Les Jägers prussiens, au sommet d'une colline baignée par le soleil, scrutent l'horizon. Prussian Jägers, on the top of a hill bathed by the sun, scrutinize the horizon. |
En éclaireurs, la cavalerie légère aperçoit au loin des drapeaux autrichiens flottant au vent. The light cavalry saw Austrian flags waving in the wind. |
Alors les généraux demandent confirmation...et posent pour la photo! Then the generals asked for confirmation...and pose for the photo! |
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Et c'est plus qu'une confirmation, les Saxons se sont joints aux Autrichiens, il faut réagir! And this is more than a confirmation, the Saxons joined the Austrians, we must react! |
Bonjour à tous,
Les communications sont au cœur de la bataille d' aujourd'hui,
Bismark ne peut pas se passer de cette voie ferroviaire, et les Autrichiens le savent.
Nous sommes en 1866, et les Prussiens commencent la partie avec une longueur de retard...
Hello everyone,
Communications are at the heart of today 's battle,
Bismark can not do without this railway, and the Austrians know this.
We are in 1866, and the Prussians begin the game with a length of delay ...
La cavalerie prussienne devra colmater les bèches dans un premier temps. The Prussian cavalry will have to clog the logs at first. |
Le réservoir d'eau et la gare seront quant à eux défendus par une poignée de tirailleurs. The water tank and the station will be defended by a handful of skirmishers. |
Et enfin les renforts plus lents à se mettre en place..."Schnell, schnell!"
And finally the slower reinforcements..."Schnell, schnell!"
And finally the slower reinforcements..."Schnell, schnell!"
Une ou deux batteries auront le temps de se positionner avant... One or two batteries will have time to position before ... |
...l'arrivée des premières lignes ennemies sur la gare. ... the arrival of the first enemy lines on the railway station. |
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Et bientôt les vagues Saxonnes et Autrichiennes progressent. Photogénique mais inquiétant! And soon the Saxon and Austrian waves are progressing. Photogenic but worrying! |
Sur notre droite Dimitri a trouvé un bois protecteur, les lignes de casque à pointe sont prêtes. On our right Dimitri found a protective wood, the spiked helmets lines are ready. |
Mais déjà au centre la cavalerie autrichienne charge avec bravoure et nous déstabilise. But already in the center the Austrian cavalry is charging with bravery and destabilizes us. |
Après les boulets, la Stosstaktik : les Autrichiens se ruent sur nos lignes! After the bullets, the Stosstaktik: the Austrians rush on our lines! |
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Enfumé le champ de bataille, endiablés les corps à corps, sanglants les faces à faces... Smoky the battlefield, endiables melees, bloody face to face ... |
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Les renforts prussiens sont arrivés, la réaction est violente et le dénouement semble proche. Prussian reinforcements have arrived, the reaction is violent and the outcome seems close. |
Les Autrichiens, au second plan, doutent de leur victoire...enfin! The Austrians, in the background, seem to doubt about their victory... at last! |
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Et quelques photos d'époque retrouvées bien plus tard dans une vieille malle...
And some pictures of time found much later in an old trunk ... |
Welcome to Joecc!
Welcome to Joecc!
Красота. Браво Фил.
RépondreSupprimerбольшое спасибо!
SupprimerGreat report Phil !
RépondreSupprimerLooking forward to your next one !
Thank you so much Mario!
SupprimerClosely fought to a draw. Looks fab as always!
RépondreSupprimerThank you Simon, glad you enjoyed...
SupprimerVery nice looking!
RépondreSupprimerMuch appreciated Kiril!
SupprimerOnce again You do it master!
RépondreSupprimerAwesome looking report like always :)
Many thanks Michal, many thanks...
SupprimerFantastic painting, figures, scenery, battle report and photos.
RépondreSupprimerThanks for your kind words sir...
SupprimerGreat report Phil! Looks terrific too.
RépondreSupprimerIt was intense, truly intense...
SupprimerGreat looking game Phil.
RépondreSupprimerThanks for your kind words Mark!
SupprimerOoh, what beauty!!! Phil, artillery front who producer?
RépondreSupprimerThanks a lot, I'll answer here soon, not my figures...unfortunatly!
SupprimerOld Glory, artillery is Old Glory...
SupprimerA draw; satisfying outcome for both? Excellent BatRep, Phil.
RépondreSupprimerIndeed...but so many deads...
SupprimerWonderful miniatures and a beautiful battle!
RépondreSupprimerCheers Sergiuss, much appreciated...
SupprimerGreat report Phil. What rules did you use for this one?
RépondreSupprimerMany thanks Lawrence, our own rules, link on the blog...
SupprimerYou boys had such fun, such an exciting battle! Not that I would ever ride straight into cannons :)
RépondreSupprimerImpressive cannons, aren't they?
SupprimerSuch an excellent looking game, and a very rare and enjoyable thing to read a report on an 1866 game. Like the American Civil War, the mix of modern technology and Napoleonic tactics made for bloody results, as the end of your battle shows. Thank you for this great post.
RépondreSupprimerThank you so much Michael, much appreciated...Agree with you for the period, bloody but interesting!
SupprimerGreat report! Beutiful minis and terrain, just epic looking game!
RépondreSupprimerGlad you enjoyed Dominig...
SupprimerWhat a magnificent game Phil, splendid report Sir.
RépondreSupprimerVery nice of you sir...
SupprimerDear Phil,
RépondreSupprimergreat post!
Beautiful wargame with your outstanding figurines.
Greetings, see you soon
Grazie mille Simmmy!
SupprimerA hard-fought draw! Great stuff! Lovely set-up and beautiful figs...a pleasure to see as always!
RépondreSupprimerA pleasure to read your comment as always Gordon!
SupprimerGreat post. Very nice the idea of the latest two photos
RépondreSupprimerThank you kindly Mark, I really enjoyed making them!
SupprimerAs ever, lots of eye candy for the readers - thanks again for another entertaining battle report, Phil!
RépondreSupprimerVery kind of you Evan, thanks...
SupprimerGreat photos and report Phil!
RépondreSupprimerCheers Cyrus!
SupprimerAwesome looking game Phil!
RépondreSupprimerMy pleasure...
SupprimerThough I'm not a gamer I really enjoy this post!
RépondreSupprimerBeautifull figures and terrain!
Glad you liked them sir, thanks for visiting...
Supprimerbravo encore une belle bataille et un bon scénario
RépondreSupprimerMerci beaucoup, sanglant amis intéressant le scénar....
SupprimerAnother great report. I like trees from first picture and the train with such fine details like water tank :)
RépondreSupprimerLove the water tank too, nice addition...
SupprimerBeautiful figures and great photos of them Phil - an awesome looking game all over
RépondreSupprimerThank you so much rross, much appreciated...
SupprimerBravo, superbe compte-rendu de partie et le train apporte un élément d'originalité supplémentaire dans cette bataille.
RépondreSupprimerMerci beaucoup...il est vieux ce train, mais toujours aussi beau...
SupprimerAs usual, looking through your battle report was a pleasure. Great job!
RépondreSupprimerThank you kindly Koyoth!
SupprimerUn plaisir de voir, comme toujours!
RépondreSupprimerMerci beaucoup Ross...
SupprimerPicture #14: Austrians and the "heavy smoke" from their cannons! Great bloggarama battle field photos and eyewitness commentary, Capt. 'Scargo.
RépondreSupprimerThanks Capt, glad you enjoyed terrestrial smoke...
SupprimerSuperb layout, love the photograph style pictures.
RépondreSupprimerHappy to know that Meic, no so easy to create...
SupprimerEvery new post I see of yours makes me wish (a) I still had my 15mmm collection... which was once vast, but sadly, long ago all given away.
RépondreSupprimerAnd (b) makes me wish I had your incredible painting skills.
Your AARs are always so vivid and exciting too.
Your kind words are much appreciated Steve, for the painting Christopher and Dimitri have to be congratulated this time...
SupprimerChristopher and Dimitri are obviously very highly skilled.... as are you too Phil.
SupprimerMy pleasure Steve...
SupprimerGreat looking report once again Phil! Looks like you had a very fun game!
RépondreSupprimerThank you so much friend!
SupprimerWonderfully taken photographs Phil. It really makes the battle come alive.
RépondreSupprimerThank you kindly!
SupprimerJ'ai beaucoup apprécié ce cr. Les figurines sont vraiment belles, les photos aussi et les idées foisonnent pour rendre le récit de la partie très intéressant, de demander de plus?
Un grand merci à toi, c'est très sympa...
Supprimerreally super stuff :)
RépondreSupprimerGlad you enjoyed, thanks for visiting...
SupprimerEvery time I read one of your reports I find myself in wonder at your creativity. Your photographs have a lovely depth and style to them that speaks of the history that you clearly love. And . . . you manage to get games in the middle of all this! With people! That enjoy tossing dice and pushing lead. I am impressed. Love the use of the railroad, too. The tender sitting alone is a story all by itself. Looks like the chaos of war already.
RépondreSupprimerA big thank you to you for this glowing comment, very touched!
SupprimerGreat battle raport and nice painted miniatures. Like always brilliant job Phil :)
RépondreSupprimerSo kind of you my friend, many thanks!
SupprimerI'm always amazed by your terrain - the sheer range of it is astounding. How do you store it all?
Cupboards, a lot of cupboards...Thanks!
SupprimerGreat report , beautifull figures!!
RépondreSupprimerI love the Artistic vintage pictures....
Thank you so much, they took me a rather long time...
SupprimerLovely report and as ever fantastically painted figures! Very addictive!
RépondreSupprimerAddictive, you've said it...Thanks Michael!
SupprimerFantastic stuff Phil
RépondreSupprimerGlad you enjoyed, thanks a lot for visiting...
SupprimerOh me God! This is splendid scene with the train and all details. Bravo!
RépondreSupprimerThank you kindly Kike, much appreciated...
SupprimerGreat looking game Phil! I love your gaming room, spacious table and so many players! That's the core of all wargames!
RépondreSupprimerWe are lucky...For so many years!
SupprimerLovely looking game, super report and nice story.
RépondreSupprimerBest Iain
Much appreciated, thanks for visiting...
SupprimerYou are the master of games presentation Phil, superb.
Most kind of you Pat, many thanks for visiting!
SupprimerBeautiful presentation.Super painting;-)
RépondreSupprimerGlad you enjoyed, thanks a lot!
SupprimerA very good post indeed. Super Presentation, love the olden day photographs! BB
RépondreSupprimerThank you so much BB...
SupprimerSzczęka opada na widok raportów z takimi ilościami figurek.
SupprimerLove the layout, excellent
RépondreSupprimerNice of you sir, much appreciated...
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