Le club de jeux d'histoire de Bourg en Bresse

History and figures.......История и статуэтки......Geschichte und Figuren....Storia e figurine.....Historia i figurki......Historia y figuras....历史和雕像....Geschiedenis en cijfers....التاريخ والتماثيل الصغيرة....Sejarah dan tokoh

mercredi 15 avril 2020

15 mars1781, Guilford Court House

Les Patriotes sont retranchés. Les Britanniques ne doivent pas atteindre la Virginie!
The Patriots are entrenched. The British must reach Virginia!

Les positions et joueurs du jour, objectif Britannique : la Virginie, donc traverser la table!
Positions and players of the day, British objective: Virginia, so crossing the table!

Et pas de temps mort, les Britanniques sont à portée de fusil dès le deuxième tour de jeu!
And no downtime, the British are already within gunshot in the second turn!

...mais la route est longue jusqu'aux points de victoire, trois lignes de défense à franchir!
... but the road is long to victory points, three defensive lines  to cross!

Bonjour à tous,
Nous sommes en 1781 pour cette nouvelle partie "Ante Corona",
en pleine guerre d'Indépendance américaine.
Ma petite vidéo de 4 minutes pour se mettre dans l'ambiance historique...avec le résultat historique.

Good morning all,
We are in 1781 for this new "Ante Corona" game,
in the midst of the American Revolutionary War.
My short 4-minute video to get into the historic mood ... with the historic result.

🥁La première ligne est franchie, pas aussi facilement qu'attendu, mais les lignes britanniques se reforment au son du tambour, disciplinées, conquérantes...
The first line is crossed, not as easily as expected, but the British lines are reformed to the sound of the drum, disciplined, conquering ...🥁

💥...et accueillies par de nouvelles salves!
... and welcomed by new shots!💥

Arrivés sur la deuxième ligne de défense, les Britanniques sont prêts à sonner la retraite : les pertes sont nombreuses, et il reste deux obstacles à franchir...
Arrived on the second line of defense, the British are ready to strike retirement: the losses are numerous, and there are two obstacles to overcome ...

De mon côté, j'organise tant bien que mal la défense des Patriotes (c'est moi, là, sur le cheval avec des gants blancs)...Il faut colmater les brèches, de droite de gauche...
For my part, I organize as best as possible the defense of the Patriots (it's me, there, on the horse with white gloves) ... We must plug the gaps, from right to left ...

Notre deuxième ligne attend fébrilement...Le début de la bataille nous a été favorable, mais les habits rouges sont redoutables...
Our second line is waiting feverishly ... The start of the battle has been favorable for us, but the red clothes are formidable ...

Et une nouvelle fois la ligne est franchie...Des pertes supplémentaires empêcheront une victoire Britannique, mais ils peuvent encore arracher le match nul!
And once again the line is crossed ... Additional losses will prevent a British victory, but they can still snatch the draw!

L'évolution après 12 tours intenses...
12 intense playing turns...

Par sécurité nous commençons à évacuer les bagages, si les Britanniques s'en emparaient ce serait une catastrophe!
For safety we start to evacuate the baggages, if the British take it it would be a disaster!

Heureusement nos courageuses unités de la Lee's Legion ralentiront suffisamment l'ennemi...
Fortunately our courageous Lee's Legion units will slow the enemy down enough ...

Mais poussés par leurs généraux, les Habits Rouges arrachent le match nul finalement dans le dernier tour...Un résultat tout compte fait pas si loin de la réalité.
But pushed by their generals, the Red Clothes snatch the draw finally in the last round ... A result all told not so far from the historical one.

Les survivants fuient, c'est vrai, mais les Britanniques, déplorant de nombreuses pertes,  ne se croient plus invincibles...et ce sera bientôt pour eux une autre histoire!
The survivors are fleeing, it's true, but the British, deploring many losses, no longer believe they are invincible ... and it will soon be another story for them!

Merci à tous, et portez vous bien!

Thanks everyone, take care of you!


112 commentaires:

  1. Génial même si les Britanniques ont gagné ;-)

  2. Fantastique bataille Phil. Bonne sante!

  3. As always, a great sight Phil! I am impressed!

  4. Lovely looking game, enjoyed, thanks.

  5. Superb game sir!
    I am inspired to try the battle.
    Great figures, great maps - looks like you guys really enjoyed it.
    ...and love that video.
    Merci beaucoup

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, means a lot...And yes, a battle to play and replay, with very different (and gorgeous) armies! And thanks for the video, took me a long time!

    2. WHat rules were you using for this Phil? Was it Patriots and Loyalists?

    3. No, our own rules, link on the blog, not far from DBM but more detailed...

  6. That is a great looking game Phil. I always find it satisfactory after a great game to find that it has given the historic result. I enjoyed reading your battle report, as always.
    Best wishes,

    1. Glad you enjoyed Jason, in reality we were not far from stopping before the end, the British were on the verge of collapse ...But then they were more than brave...and they reach the draw!

  7. Such incredible details, Philie, stay safe and battle bravely.

  8. J'aime les militiens du peter pig

    1. Moi aussi, j'ai vraiment un faible pour ce genre de figurines...même si elles partent souvent vite en déroute/retraite!

  9. Such a famous battle and one of my favourites which you have done a superb job on recreating. Well done Phil.

    1. That's very kind of you, thank you so much for your kind words, I appreciate...

  10. Lovely game Phil! Tres interessant!

  11. So good to see a post from you Phil, I hope that you are all keeping safe.

  12. Great report Phil !
    Greetings & stay safe !

  13. Un superbe compte rendu qui nous fait rêver.

  14. Awesome looking game as always my friend!

  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFNo0rEg8MQ

  16. Very nice AAR, and lovely figures as usual Phil.

  17. Lovely rendition of an iconic AWI battle, Phil!

  18. Magnifique table de jeu! et une superbe vidéo. Je vous adresse un salut affectueux de l'extrême sud et souhaite que vous et vos proches vous portiez bien. Prenez bien soin de vous. Carlos

    1. A mon tour un chaleureux salut d'une France confinée, tout comme chez vous je crois...

  19. Splendid battle Phil.......and just the inspiration I needed to get painting

  20. Really enjoyed the video of the game, maps and background to the battle. A lot of time and effort.

    1. So happy you liked the post, and appreciated the efforts...Thanks Peter!

  21. Splendid looking game! Always a great story, no matter the result!
    Best Iain

  22. Nice post and pictures! Have a happy Easter!

  23. Réponses
    1. Glad you liked the movie Dmitri, a lot of work to create such a little video...

  24. Superbe, cela me donne envie de jouer à M&T

    1. Surtout sans confinement...C'est quand même mieux à plusieurs autour d'une table!

  25. Great job! Nice presentation. I like the bit about you being on the horse. 😀

  26. A great refight Phil - I have done the same in 25/28mm and with the same result - the British take the field - but with significant losses - just like the real day 250 years ago!

    1. Sure, history is revisited but hardly changed in the end!

  27. Wonderful report. Especially this first map! Superb!

  28. Lovely, the barricade pic has to be my favourite.

  29. Yet another lovely looking game... Phil.
    I really enjoy the videos and animations.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you kindly Aly, I do like creating them...

  30. Simply wonderful (the figures as well as the report)! We fought many (similar) scenarios in our club (AWi: Strong British vs many American lines) and the British player often moaned, as this is indeed the way the American stand a chance actually to win! Lovely!

    1. Agree with you, love the double challenge, an very trained army against mass volunteers, nothing better for the suspense!

  31. Always a delight to look at your games, Phil: you have some really talented people in your group.

  32. I love your visuals Phil and the way your descriptions set the scene. And I enjoyed the video. All of these mimis are Peter Pig?
    Stay healthy, be well!

    1. Lot of them I think, yes...Thanks a lot for watching!

  33. Another beautiful, epic battle and story

  34. A gripping take played out on the tabletop ... great historical "re-telling" Phil :)

  35. Ce votre meilleur Rapport. J'aime beaucoup les photos! Grand cinema!

  36. Salut Phil.
    Génial ! Pour une fois, j'ai compris un rapport de bataille (enfin je pense..)
    Tout ce qu'il y a sur le terrain est impressionnant.
    Bravo pour le post et le match nul pas si nul !

    1. Merci bien, et oui la victoire qui nous tendait les bras nous a échappé au dernier tour...

  37. Very nice reports and the games looks good.I wonder if any of you have jobs or families referring to all the lovely paintjob, scenery and gaming!? ;)

    1. Well, it's true that it is complicated to reconcile real life and the game when it is a passion ... and it is for this reason that I only make one article per month approximately! Many thanks for watching...

  38. Ça fait plaisir de pouvoir continuer à admirer tes rapports en cette période ludique compliquée (pour ne pas dire virtualisée dans mon cas).

    1. Ben oui, je viens de voir ça, un échappatoire fort sympa en tout cas...Pour ma part il me reste 3 rapports Ante Corona à faire, de quoi tenir...

  39. Beautiful scenes Phil and superbe painting!
