Le club de jeux d'histoire de Bourg en Bresse

History and figures.......История и статуэтки......Geschichte und Figuren....Storia e figurine.....Historia i figurki......Historia y figuras....历史和雕像....Geschiedenis en cijfers....التاريخ والتماثيل الصغيرة....Sejarah dan tokoh

lundi 21 mai 2018

1684, un bastion en pleine tempête...A stronghold in the storm.

Le bastion. Mes Prussiens. Et la tempête qui arrive...
The bastion. My Prussians. And the storm coming ...
Une  tempête aux multiples visages. Cavaliers des steppes, Sipahis, Delhis et Akinjis...
A storm with many faces. Steppes Riders, Sipahis, Delhis and Akinjis...

Les premiers tireurs Ottomans en formation dispersée s'approchent de mes positions
The first Ottoman shooters in scattered formation approach.

A l'orée du bois, quelques détonations sont entendues de notre côté aussi...
At the edge of the wood, some detonations are heard from our side too ...

Tirs annonciateurs de renforts Bavarois, et ils ne seront pas de trop! Schnell, Schnell!
Shoots announcing Bavarian reinforcements, and they won't be too much!Schnell, Schnell!

Le bastion, au centre, est le seul objectif géographique, tenu par mes Prussiens. A gauche mes Hannovriens vont tenter de franchir le gué, à droite les Bavarois se ruent sur le pont.
The bastion, in the center, is the only geographical objective, held by my Prussians. On the left my Hannovrians will try to cross the ford, on the right the Bavarians rush on the bridge.

Bonjour à tous,
Le décor est planté, je me retrouve dans une place forte, en position centrale.
Mes Prussiens doivent se défendre à un contre 4!
En face, l'Empire Ottoman. Hier aux portes de Vienne, aujourd'hui dans les contrées hongroises. Ronie et Serge commandent la Sublime Porte.
A mes côtés, Christophe et ses sublimes Bavarois. 

Hello everyone,
The situation's clear, I find myself in a stronghold, in central position.
My Prussians must defend, one against 4!
Opposite, the Ottoman Empire. Yesterday at the gates of Vienna, today in the Hungarian countries. Ronie and Serge command the Sublime Porte.
At my side, Christophe and his sublime Bavarians.

Une salve de tirs de Janissaires accueille justement leur arrivée.
A volley of shots from Janissaires welcomes their arrival.

Mes Hannovriens, à la sortie du gué, sont stoppés par des charges lourdes et violentes...
My Hannovrians, getting out of the ford, are stopped by heavy and violent charges...

Tour 5, les Turcs montent à l'assaut de ma colline, la tournure des événements est inquiétante, l'ennemi, même essoufflé après l’ascension, est redoutable...
Turn 5, Turks climb to the assault of my hill, the turn of events is disturbing, the enemy, even breathless after the ascent, is fierce...

Heureusement, un peu plus loin, Bavarois et Autrichiens voient fuir les Janissaires...
Fortunately, a little further, Bavarians and Austrians see the Janissaries fleeing ...

Mais c'était un leurre, les Bavarois, trop confiants, avancent et se retrouvent face à de nouvelles unités, ici les Azabs...
But it was a lure, the Bavarians, too confident, advance and find themselves facing new units, here the Azabs ...

Là des grenadiers, Autrichiens et Bavarois sont au bord de l'explosion!
Here the grenadiers, Austrians and Bavarains are on the verge of explosion!
Sans compter les cosaques harcelant l'ennemi venu de l'occident.
Not to mention the Cossacks harassing the enemy from the west.

Et ils sont de plus en plus nombreux à gravir la pente, mes hommes sont vite submergés, l' espoir de voir les renforts arriver à temps s'amenuise inexorablement...
And they are more and more to climb the slope, my men are quickly submerged, the hope to see the reinforcements arriving in time inexorably diminishes ...

Des renforts Autrichiens qui se débattent non loin de là, avec l'énergie du désespoir...
Austrian reinforcements struggling not far away, with the energy of despair ...

Il faut se rendre à l'évidence, à travers les fumées du village en feu on devine bien que les Bavarois ne viendront pas à notre secours, et que les Hannovriens ne passeront pas ce gué...
Obviously, through the smokes of the village in fire one guesses well that the Bavarians will not come to our rescue, and that the Hannovrians will not pass this ford ...

Le bastion est finalement pris par les troupes de Ronie, les drapeaux de l'Empire Ottoman flottent sur l'objectif, nous avons essuyé ce jour un terrible revers...
The bastion is finally taken by Ronie's troops, the flags of the Ottoman Empire float on the objective, we have suffered this day a terrible defeat...
Tout un symbole, à quelques verstres du bastion, c'est à l'ombre d'une croix que le général bavarois ordonne la retraite. En vue d'un autre jour, d'une autre bataille, d'une autre histoire.
What a symbol, a few meters from the bastion, under the shadow of a cross the Bavarian general orders the retreat. In view of another day, another battle, and another story.

J'en profite pour signaler que cette Grande Guerre Turque est  évoquée dans l'ultime saison d'une série que j'ai trouvée originale et fort intéressante, à savoir...

I take this opportunity to point out that this Great Turkish War is evoked in the final season of a series that I found original and very interesting, namely ...

Et pour ceux qui n'ont pas vu la vidéo de 2 minutes sur la période...

And if you haven't seen yet my 2 minutes video...

Merci, Thanks, Sağol...


79 commentaires:

  1. Beautiful looking set up and some lovely looking eye candy figures.

  2. Vraiment superbe encore cette fois. L'armée ottomane est magnifique et que dire du général bavarois!
    Ne serait-ce pas la colline de Kronenbourg ? :-(

  3. Your games always make me want to set up and play table top adventures of my own. Very apt post Phil, as lately I have been painting many tricorn civilians, ancillaries and soldiers in preparation for some hot work storming the Bastille (I wonder if the Pimpernel might make an appearance).

    I like your bastion very much, its very similar to mine, except my own is a larger scale. Seeing this log fortress in all its glory makes me want to dig mine off the shelf and put it to good use :)

    1. Mant hanks Steve, glad you enjoyed both armies and bastion...waiting for your tricorn civilians and soldiers!

    2. Were seriously thinking of getting back into casting our own, but in 40mm. If we do that means all our 28mm will be going begging to good homes hehe.

      Wonderful post Phil, as always, totally inspiring.

    3. Many thanks Hils, don't know the 40mm scale (This must require huge closets!), but I'm curious to look at this...One day may be?

  4. Eh, if Europe only helped us back in 1389 at the battle of Kosovo, the freaking Ottomans never would've crossed into Europe and started so many wars after it :(

    1. So many battles, so many wars to refight...The fate of Europe!

  5. Not a period I'm familiar with, but a fantastic looking game, and sounds like it was fun too (if terrible defeats can be fun)!

    1. Terible defeats can be fun, I confirm! Thank you so much...

  6. Это выглядит превосходно Фил! Браво!

  7. Nice report of History. I did not know it so thank you for this lesson of History

    1. Well, not a lesson, just an historical game...Thanks Kike!

  8. Great looking game, lovely looking Turks and Austrians! Smashing bastion!
    Best Iain

  9. Fantastic report Phil with many beautifully painted miniatures !

  10. What a fantastic game my friend! You did it again!

  11. Encore un tres bon cr qui fait voyager et rêver, merci.

    1. Belle définition de notre hobby, voyager et rêver...merci!

  12. Great looking game and enjoyable battle report

  13. Marvellous looking game! Great report as always!

  14. Magnifique compte-rendu avec de très belles photos. C'est un morceau d'histoire très intéressant. Bravo !

    1. Merci beaucoup, une période finalement peu connue mais tellement riche...

  15. Lovely looking minis and the watchtower/bastion is also a very nice piece of terrain. I like the way how you tell about these battles, it's almost like a historical review.

    1. Much appreciated my friend, much appreciated...

  16. The game and specially stronghold look great!

  17. Great looking game Phil - my commiserations on your defeat, but I am sure the Western allies will bounce back!

    1. We learn more during a defeat than during a victory...

  18. I'm not sure if my last comment came through, but it is great to see your Ottomans in action again, even if they were on the other winning side.

    1. Ottoman's troops are always impressive, agree with you Lawrence...

  19. Very nice game and post! Fun to read.

  20. Nice report Phil ..... and sometimes I wonder if the "...heavy and violent charges..." are more psychological than physical in real life, sometimes anyway.

  21. Замечательные работы, Филипп!

    1. Очень приятно, спасибо вам большое!

  22. Another lovely looking game Phil...
    One of my first wargames armies war the Ottoman Turks... I used to lose all the time... so it is nice to see the 15mm boot on the other foot...

    All the best. Aly

    1. One of the most spectacular armies, I admire their beauty so much that it's hard to win for me against them sometimes!

  23. Great jobs, Homie, both the battle narrative and the animation.

  24. Superb game, marvellous looking minis. At least the bastion has‘t been surrendered to the Bavarians. ;)

  25. A quand le siège de Vienne et ses croissants??;-) très beau compte rendu, plein de couleur et de vie!!

    1. On en avait joué une partie...mais on a plutôt une campagne en ligne de mire avec 3 batailles consécutives...Merci!

  26. Lovely troops and a stirring narrative, Phil. And from an uncommonly scene era as well!

    1. Great Turkish War is not often played...unfortunatly!

  27. How could I miss this post! Great topic and battle report :)

  28. Fabulous work again, Phil! Love the block house.

  29. Excellent, as always.
    The turkish Grenadiers..weren´t they called naffatun?

  30. Merci pour ce nouveau rapport de bataille, ça faisait un moment que je n'avais pu prendre le temps de zyeuter les blogs, ça fait du bien !
