Le club de jeux d'histoire de Bourg en Bresse

History and figures.......История и статуэтки......Geschichte und Figuren....Storia e figurine.....Historia i figurki......Historia y figuras....历史和雕像....Geschiedenis en cijfers....التاريخ والتماثيل الصغيرة....Sejarah dan tokoh

mercredi 13 mars 2019

Après le siège de Vienne, 1683...After the siege of Vienna, 1683...

Prêts pour la défense...Ready for the defense...Gotowy do obrony...
Prêts pour l'attaque! Ready for the attack! Saldırı için hazır!

Bonjour à tous,
Peu après le siège de Vienne l'Empire Ottoman veut sa revanche. Dans le sang.
Les armées se reforment pour de nouveaux affrontements.
C'est l'occasion pour nous d'organiser une bataille sur deux jours.
Nous c'est Serge, Alex, Dimitri et moi-même pour l'Occident.
En face l'Empire Ottoman est joué par Benoit, Christophe, Cédric et Ronie.

Hello everyone,
Shortly after the siege of Vienna the Ottoman Empire wants revenge. In the blood.
The armies are reforming for new clashes.
This is an opportunity for us to organize a two-day battle.
We : Serge, Alex, Dimitri and myself for the Occidental armies.
Infront of us, the Ottoman Empire is played by Benoit, Christophe, Cédric and Ronie.

Le vent de la revanche souffle sur l'aile gauche turque, leur fer de lance...
The wind of revenge blows on the Turkish left wing, their spearhead ...

En haut les Turcs et Tatars, en bas les Prussiens, Hannovriens, Polonais, Autrichiens. 
C'est clair, il veulent franchir la rivière sur notre droite. Et ils sont nombreux!
At the top the Turks and Tatars, down the Prussians, Hanoverians, Poles, Austrians. 
It's clear, they want to cross the river on our right. And they are many!

Au centre les Autrichiens sont circonspects, au loin les Tatars se montrent menaçants...
In the center the Austrians are circumspect, in the distance the Tatars are threatening ...
Et ils ont l'air féroce et rapides!
And they look fast and furious!
Je m'approche courageusement dans mon carrosse de mes artilleurs pour les motiver...
So I bravely approach (in my coach) my gunners to motivate them .

Quelques boulets auront raison de leur pugnacité!
Some canonballs will cool their ardor!

Après le steak tartare, c'est Bavarois au menu, on essaye de franchir la rivière...
My Bavarian troops try to cross the river...

Quelques unités de cavalerie lourde réussiront à me charger, mais dans l'ensemble le plan s'est déroulé sans accroc de ce côté...la cavalerie ottomane replie en ordre...mais replie!
Some heavy cavalry units will manage to charge me, but overall the plan turned well on this side ... the Ottoman cavalry retreats in order ... but retreats!

C'est beaucoup plus compliqué au centre où les Turcs sont en grande 
supériorité numérique, on cède du terrain...et quelques points de victoire!
It's much more complicated in the center where the Turks are in great 
numerical superiority, we begin to retreat ... and we begin to lose a few victory points!

...Et les tirs des janissaires deviennent de plus en plus intenses...
... And the Janissaries shootings are becoming more intense ...

En cette fin de première journée, notre salut est dû à l'intervention massive de la célèbre cavalerie polonaise de Dimitri...On a évité le pire mais l'ennemi reste nombreux...
At the end of the first day, our salvation is due to the massive intervention of the famous Polish cavalry of Dimitri ... We avoided the worst but the enemy remains numerous ...
Fin de la première journée...Ce croissant de Lune serait-il un mauvais présage?
End of the first day ... Would this crescent moon be a bad omen?
Deuxième jour de bataille, le soleil du matin réchauffe les Turcs installés dans leurs nouvelles possessions.
Second day of battle, the morning sun warms the Turks settled in their new possessions.

Pour emporter la partie, mes Autrichiens vont devoir passer à l'attaque...Encore!
To win the game, my Austrians will have to  attack ... Again!

Tout un symbole en ce jour, une croix brandie devant les Tartares...qui l'emportera?
A symbol, a cross brandished in front of the Tartars ... who will win today?

Les Janissaires, moyennant de lourdes pertes, progressent et engrangent les points de victoire, drapeaux et bannières brandies et flottant dans le vent des plaines autrichiennes.
The Janissaries, with heavy losses, progress and collect victory points, flags and banners brandished and floating in the wind of the Austrian plains.

C'est justement la cavalerie autrichienne qui nous permet de repousser l'attaque au centre.
The Austrian cavalry allows us to repel the attack in the center.
Mais mauvaise nouvelle sur notre droite, les artilleries turques sont de plus en plus proches...
But bad news on our right, the Turkish artillery are closer and closer ...

Et après les canons c'est une vague qui déferle, encore un point de victoire de perdu!
And after the guns it's a turkish wave, one more point of victory lost!
Sur l'aile droite ottomane, pendant deux jours attaques et contre attaques se sont succédées, la décision ne se fera décidément pas ici, mes Prussiens ont tenu sans percer face à Ronie...
On the Ottoman right wing, for two days attacks and counterattacks followed one another, the decision will definitely not be made here, my Prussians held , nothing more in front of Ronie.

Il reste 2 tours de jeu, le match nul se profile...Mais Cédric et Benoit progressent encore sur notre droite, ils enlèvent finalement un dernier point de victoire...
2 game turns to play, the draw is looming ... But Cédric and Benoit are still progressing on our right, they finally win a last victory point ...

Les derniers remparts tiendront, grâce à nos officiers intraitables...et aux gabions ...La défaite sera donc courte, 5 PV à 4, mais amère après deux jours d'âpres combats!
The last ramparts will stand, thanks to our intractable officers ... and gabions ... The defeat will be short, 5 to 4 PV, but bitter after two days of hard fighting!

Drapés de leurs superbes uniformes et de leur victoire, ils restent maîtres du champ de bataille, nous devons replier...jusqu'à la prochaine bataille, mais c'est une autre histoire!
Draped from their superb uniforms and their victory, they remain masters of the battlefield, we must retreat... until the next battle, but that's another story!

Merci à tous!


108 commentaires:

  1. I love seeing your Rennaissance Turks and Poles (and all the others) in action. A great-looking game Phil, and very close-run.

  2. A lovely looking and sounding game Phil...as always.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you kindly for your visit Aly, and for your comment...

  3. Splendid battle report, Phil! Colorful armies on both sides of the action. Well done!

  4. Petite victoire pour le rouleau compresseur Turc qui aurait pu écraser la vielle Europe.
    Sûrement un bon moment que vous avez du passer là.
    Période très originale et figurines superbes.

    1. Merci beaucoup, c'est vrai que les deux parties ont été intenses et très sympas...

  5. Commanding your army from a coach, how very posh :) What does Occidental mean, Phillie?

    1. Thanks Dezzie, Western may be better (Prussia+Austria+Poland+France) than Occidental...I'll correct this if it is...Written from my coach!

  6. Great looking game and excellent commentary Phil

  7. Spectacular report, Phil! Really joyful to read and look.

  8. The best battle-reports as usual!!! Lovely figures, nice paintjob and also fun games.

  9. Fantastic report Phil ! Love the miniatures & paint-job.

  10. As always, an excellent report! Tres bien, tres bon.

  11. Great battle report Phil!

    Cheers, Ross

  12. Tres bien Phil est tous Les Riflemen - Magnifique.

  13. So it must be the month of the Ottomans. These Ottomans did better than mine did. Good looking figures.

  14. Ah! One of my favourite battle :) Looks great my friend!

  15. Beautiful troops (I love the bases), sublime terrain and scenery, perfect game premise, and an engaging battle.. what more could a gamer ask for. Ten out of ten for this one.

  16. Lovely game Phil! 2 best actions in my opinion: 1st arriving on the battle with the class (with your carriage) and Smurf looking Janissaries. You got me ;)

  17. Thank you for the post! Looking good.

    David S.

  18. This is fantastic - great work, and thanks for sharing!

  19. Rallying your troops from your get-away coach was a brilliant move, Homie. Such a glorious tactic made me smile and my eyes water, Homie! Reminds me of the famous Franonian General's maneuvers.

    1. A small problem however, the suspensions are to change ...Nothing's perfect!😊

  20. Two battles in one ...........splendid stuff and an excellent write up as usual 😀

  21. Une époque bien rare sur nos table toujours aussi brillamment traitée.

  22. A fantastic report, I'm not someone to play mass battles myself but I can't deny that it is visually attractive.

  23. Great post- merci!- One of my favourite periods!

    1. One of my favourite periods as well, so many beautiful uniforms...and lines of battle!

  24. Encore une leçon d'histoire, décidément j'adore venir me reposer le cerveau ici après une semaine bien rempli, et parfois difficile comme la dernière, de belles peintures, de chouettes photos, une plume toujours de qualité, le bonheur quoi......

    1. Ben ça fait bien plaisir de lire ces lignes mon ami...

  25. What a great event! I am impressed and very delighted with this battle. Great report. Pleasure to read. Thank you :)

  26. Enjoyable game report. I didn't realise how far the right flank had been pushed back until I saw the map. Fantastic paint work on the figures

    1. Thanks a lot, actually five painters on the table...

  27. Lovely game and another close struggle... but who now will stop the onslaught of the Turks?:!

    1. Don't know, you're right...but revenge soon I hope!

  28. Un jeu super! J'aime bien les belles figurines, surtout votre générale au carrosse!

    1. Ah, les généraux en carrosse, toute une époque!

  29. Very nice!
    Especially the 'sunrise' picture, with continuity from yesterdays' battle. I'm confused as to why the Ottoman forces would prefer to cross the river on their right, where there are no bridges? (Keep in mind, I'm more familiar with playing with Tanks :-)

    1. This river was a narrow one, just a stream actually...no penalty to cross it, thay's why...Thanks a lot, love the sunrise picture as well...

  30. A great battle report - sounds such an exciting battle!

  31. Superbe de A à Z!
    Quel plaisir à voir et à lire, merci.

  32. So no croissants for the Viennese this time then, instead a Turkish delight! As usual a very high (calorie) profile report and of course damn sweet figures!

    1. If you do not have a copiright on your comment, I'll use it next time, you made my day Michael!!

    2. Well, everybody has, (on ones own words and deeds), as a matter of fact, but I gladly yield it to you, in this case, for this comment, as I know it will be in a glorious and splendid context. :)

  33. Great fun indeed!!! My wonder is that are any of you married or working? ;) A lot of time has been to make these figures come alive and to build up the scenery.Very nice report Phil.

    1. Most of us are married and working...Ouch, such a passion, you're right...Thanks a lot!

  34. Great looking armies and great commentary. thanks for sharing!

  35. Another close run battle! Lovely troops as always!
    Best Iain

  36. As always, excellent. I really like the way your games are so colourfull

    1. Thank you so much Paul, this period is indeed very colorful...

  37. Encore un super rapport de bataille, merci :D

  38. A wonderful and colourful looking game Phil and the coach makes a great centre piece.

    1. Not really comfortable but so beautiful isn't it? Thanks for your visit Pat...

  39. A spectacular array of diverse and lovely looking troops. Lots of interesting action going on all over the battlefield too!

    1. Much appreciated Dean, a colorful and beautiful period for wargamers, for sure!

  40. Nice batrep Phil ... you're lucky that you get to be involved in so many games :)

  41. Sympathique rapport de bataille et les figurines ottomanes sont magnifiques. Bravo !

    1. Cette armée est un vrai plaisir à peindre...Merci!
