Le chef turc, Kara Mustafa, donne ses ordres... The Turkish leader, Kara Mustafa, gives his orders ... |
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Et bientôt ses fiers cavaliers et fantassins se répandent dans la plaine. And soon his proud cavaliers and infantrymen flood the plain. |
Aidés de leurs véloces et féroces alliés Tatars. Helped by their swift and fierce Tatar allies. |
Bonjour à tous,
Pour finir la saison Louis XIV s'aventure sur les plaines hongroises.
Après le siège de Vienne, la grande guerre turque embrase la région.
L'appel de la Sainte Ligue soutenu par le Pape Innocent XI a été entendue :
aux troupes polonaises de Jean III Sobieski se joignent Français, Saxons, Badois et Bavarois.
En face, les superbes Turcs menés par Kara Mustafa, et leurs alliés Tatars.
Après le siège de Vienne, la grande guerre turque embrase la région.
L'appel de la Sainte Ligue soutenu par le Pape Innocent XI a été entendue :
aux troupes polonaises de Jean III Sobieski se joignent Français, Saxons, Badois et Bavarois.
En face, les superbes Turcs menés par Kara Mustafa, et leurs alliés Tatars.
Le point de rencontre a pour nom Parkany, petit village de l'actuelle Slovaquie.
Une partie librement inspirée de la bataille réelle.
Hello everyone,
To finish the season Louis XIV ventures on the Hungarian plains.
After the siege of Vienna, the great Turkish war burned the region.
The appeal of the Holy League supported by Pope Innocent XI was heard:
To the Polish troops of John III Sobieski join French, Saxons, Badois and Bavarois.
Opposite, the superb Turks led by Kara Mustafa, and their Tatars allies.
The meeting point is called Parkany, a small village in present-day Slovakia.
A game freely inspired by the real battle.
Une partie librement inspirée de la bataille réelle.
Hello everyone,
To finish the season Louis XIV ventures on the Hungarian plains.
After the siege of Vienna, the great Turkish war burned the region.
The appeal of the Holy League supported by Pope Innocent XI was heard:
To the Polish troops of John III Sobieski join French, Saxons, Badois and Bavarois.
Opposite, the superb Turks led by Kara Mustafa, and their Tatars allies.
The meeting point is called Parkany, a small village in present-day Slovakia.
A game freely inspired by the real battle.
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De notre côté la plaine est investie par nos Bavarois au centre, les Français à gauche. On our side the plain is invested by our Bavarians in the center, the French on the left. |
Leurs ailes sifflant sous la brise matinale, ils sont de suite incorporés dans une unité... Their wings whistling under the morning breeze, they are soon incorporated into a unit ... |
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...constituée de nombreux régiments de milices, motivés mais peu disciplinés. ... made up of numerous militia regiments, motivated but not very disciplined. |
Mais bientôt...But soon...
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Les premiers Janissaires sont aperçus, le village de Parkany semble être convoité par tous! The first Janissaries are seen, the village of Parkany seems to be coveted by all! |
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Et à la brise matinale succède le vent du boulet! And for us, after the morning breeze, the wind of the canonball! |
Sur notre droite notre milice a bien du mal à résister aux terrifiants Tatars. On our right our militia try to resist to the terrifying Tatars. |
Alors qu'au centre le choc entre cavaleries et piques est d'une rare violence. While in the center the shock between cavalries and pikes is violent. |
Si bien que la réserve est envoyée par Charles V de Lorraine..."Messieurs, en avant!" So that the reserve is sent by Charles V of Lorraine ..."Messieurs, en avant!" |
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Déluge de feux au centre, et pas à notre avantage, nous devons abandonner le village. Deluge of fires in the center, and not to our advantage, we must leave the village. |
L'histoire ne précise pas qui des flèches enflammées turques ou d'une bougie malencontreusement tombée a endommagé le dernier parchemin...
The story does not say which of the Turkish flaming arrows or an unfortunately
fallen candle damaged the last parchment ...
The story does not say which of the Turkish flaming arrows or an unfortunately
fallen candle damaged the last parchment ...
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Mais on devine tout de même que la situation est critique pour nous... But we easily guess that the situation is critical for us... |
Quelques boulets nous permettent d'éviter la déroute, mais la défaite est consommée! Some canonballs allow us to avoid the rout, but the defeat is consummated! |
Ainsi s'achève cette autre saison, encore un grand merci pour votre fidélité,
Rendez-vous dans un mois environ, pour ma part loin d'internet bientôt exilé,
Sur les hauteurs de Norvège quelque temps je vais m'oxygéner...
A très très bientôt!
A très très bientôt!
So this is an ther season end, again a big thank you for your fidelity,
Rendezvous in a month or so, for my part away from the internet in a few days,
On the heights of Norway some time I will oxygenate ...
Very soon!
Summary Louis XIV...
Summary Battles...
Fantastic battle report and lots of beautiful painted figures - well done and thanks for the report, Phil :-)
RépondreSupprimerAnd thanks for your kind words!
SupprimerWow...another stunning presentation Phil - lovely clear photos and an interesting and inspiring commentary on your game - thanks for sharing your passion via this blog!
RépondreSupprimerMuch appreciated rross, hope the passion will last a long time!
SupprimerVery impressive display of troops and great photos!
RépondreSupprimerI do like this period, wonderful uniforms aren't they?
SupprimerJanissaries, Delis and Polish winged hussars. Fantastic stuff.
RépondreSupprimerA nice combination indeed, thanks...
SupprimerI nice, visual combination, for sure! Enjoyable BatRep as always, Phil! Enjoy your long days in Norway!
SupprimerHey, didn't see your comment Jonathan...thanks a lot for your kind words, tomorrow direction Norway!
SupprimerGreat batrep again!
RépondreSupprimerThat's very...
SupprimerGreat batrep again!
RépondreSupprimer...kind of you!
SupprimerGreat Btrep! It's first time I see someone playing this battle. Beutiful models, especially Hussars :)
RépondreSupprimerWell, not the real battle, actually freely inspired...thanks a lot!
SupprimerSuperb figures as always and got to love those winged Hussars
RépondreSupprimerWinged Hussars are very impressive, aren't they? Always nice on a table!
SupprimerAnother tremendous report Phil, I so admire your presentations with you maps and humorous asides. Bravo Sir.
RépondreSupprimerGlad you enjoyed Michael, it means a lot...
Supprimerthem Tatars have always been on the wrong side!
RépondreSupprimerSuch lovely winged hussars!
Winged hussars are cute, agree with you Dezzie!
SupprimerGreat report Phil!
RépondreSupprimerGlad you like it Rodger...
SupprimerLots and lots of beautifully painted minis. It's a pleasure to see pictures like these. Great batrep.
RépondreSupprimerMuch appreciated Koyoth, thanks a lot!
SupprimerWow! Most excellent Phil!
RépondreSupprimerVery nice of you Rod...
SupprimerWonderful looking game and figs, once again, Phil! Love the Winged Hussars and Jannisaries!
RépondreSupprimerImpressive and colored units on our tables, always a real pleasure!
SupprimerVery exciting and quite a spectacle! Vive Louis! The great King will get the Turk next time!
RépondreSupprimerThat's another story...soon told may be!
SupprimerNice. Picture 1: "Give that bottle another rub, Sihirbaz, I need to ask the Genie a question!"
RépondreSupprimer...and then the Genie helped the Turkish troops, they win a difficult battle, and the Genie returned into the battle for several years...
SupprimerGreat report my friend ! With many fantastically painted mini's !
RépondreSupprimerCheers !
Thank you so much Mario!
RépondreSupprimerVery nice of you Bruce, appreciated...
SupprimerЭто выглядит великолепно! Браво мой друг!
SupprimerLike always great loooking and reading report my friend!
RépondreSupprimerThat's very nice of you Michal!
SupprimerSuperbe unité de hussards ailé ! J'adore. Encore un RC digne de ce blog, un vrai plaisir à lire. Bonne vacance à tous !
RépondreSupprimerCes hussards semblent emporter l'adhésion générale...bonnes vacances à toi aussi Frantz!
SupprimerExcellent battle report and some lovely troops on display
RépondreSupprimerMuch appreciated Neil...
SupprimerVlad would sure impale them all.
RépondreSupprimerGreat looking figures Phil,and a good report on the game. BB
Thank you so much Paul, my hello to Vlad!
SupprimerVery nice
RépondreSupprimerGald you enjoyed!
SupprimerOooh! Turkish victory - I wasn't expecting that. Great report Phil.
RépondreSupprimerWell, I wasn't expecting that either...Thanks a lot!
SupprimerExcellent report and lovely armies Phil!
RépondreSupprimerGlad you like these armies Cyrus...
SupprimerFabulous game, Love those Janissaries!
RépondreSupprimerColorful and beautiful...but dangerous!
SupprimerGreat looking game lovely figures especially the hussars and delightful commentary, enjoy Norway.
RépondreSupprimerBest Iain
Thanks a lot for your kind words sir...Norway in a couple of days!
SupprimerMusic like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hcW4koO2Fw
RépondreSupprimerThis is actually very similar to the video, thanks!
SupprimerWhat a fun looking game Phil. Well done!
RépondreSupprimerGlad you like it Mark, thanks!
SupprimerSome lovely painting on show, well done the photographer and computer guys. Great blog post too
RépondreSupprimerThanks a lot for your kind words Roy...
Supprimerlooks great, lovely painting on those figures.
RépondreSupprimerCheers Paul!
SupprimerGreat report Phil
RépondreSupprimerMany thanks, Master of the railway Gun!
SupprimerSplendid looking game again and love the effort on the maps...😀
RépondreSupprimerThanks for your kind words Matt, appreciated...
SupprimerMagnificent, sir!
RépondreSupprimerThank you so much, sir!
SupprimerSpot on, as usual Phil :-)
RépondreSupprimerCheers Steve!
SupprimerGreat report! And nice to see a battle from a more unusual period!
RépondreSupprimerGlad you like this battle Samuli, thanks for visiting...
SupprimerAnother entertaining production Phil! Did Louis XIV really fight the Turks? I didn't know that.
RépondreSupprimerHungarian plains was the place where Louis XIV, and many others, sent troops to fight Ottomans...Many thanks!
SupprimerA period of the Wargaming scene I'm not familiar with, but your beautifully painted minis and excellent report sure are enough to get me interested.
RépondreSupprimerThat' very nice of you, means a lot...
SupprimerBravo encore un super CR et mention spécial pour Superbe unité de hussards ailé !
RépondreSupprimerBonnes vacances
Les héros du jour seront donc les hussards ailés...merci bien Spock!
SupprimerBeautiful figures Phil. One day I may add a small Turkish force to my collection.
RépondreSupprimerTurkish, beautiful Turkish units...don't hesitate Ray!
SupprimerLove the figures! Such a nice collection.
RépondreSupprimerGlad you enjoyed, thanks a lot...
SupprimerLovely looking game with such a lovely painted troops. Enjoy your holidays!
RépondreSupprimerHolidays enjoyed Bart...Norway's splendid, thanks!
SupprimerAhhh revenge ... the 'conflict cycle' that sadly cannot be broken. Nice report Phil!
RépondreSupprimerGlad you liked it my friend!
SupprimerFantastic miniatures and scenery. Nice report of History as always.
RépondreSupprimerHappy holidays!
Much appreciated Kike!
SupprimerTrès bel ensemble. C'est coloré, chamaré et rare sur les tables de jeu. Bravo!
RépondreSupprimerMerci aux Riflemen.
Bel été à tous
Merci beaucoup...c'est ma période préférée pour toutes ces raisons!
SupprimerSuper battle report and as always beautiful models Phil
RépondreSupprimerThanks a lot, much appreciated!
SupprimerThank you Phil for this great, detailed and beautiful battle report!
RépondreSupprimerAnd thank you for your kind comment Kapitan!
SupprimerVery nice, the figures are outstanding and so is the write up .
RépondreSupprimerYour sweet words are much appreciated Russ...
SupprimerGreat work Phil I also have a small 15mm Essex army love them!
Thanks for visiting Willie, much appreciated...
RépondreSupprimerAll right, Phil. Interesting topic.
Thanks a lot sir!