Le club de jeux d'histoire de Bourg en Bresse

History and figures.......История и статуэтки......Geschichte und Figuren....Storia e figurine.....Historia i figurki......Historia y figuras....历史和雕像....Geschiedenis en cijfers....التاريخ والتماثيل الصغيرة....Sejarah dan tokoh

vendredi 21 novembre 2014

Vienne, 1683.

1683, faubourgs de Vienne. L'armée régulière autrichienne s'avance, elle veut en découdre
 avec les troupes de Mustafa Kara...de nombreux alliés sont attendus.
1683, outskirts of Vienna. The regular army Austrian advances, she wants to battle it 
out with the forces of Kara Mustafa ... many allies are expected.

Septembre 1683. Après plusieurs semaines de siège, l'armée autrichienne tente une sortie.
 Elle peut compter sur ses alliés bavarois et polonais et sur les habitants, excédés par l'occupation, et transformés en milices.

September 1683. After several weeks of siege, the Austrian army tries to exit. It can rely on its Bavarian and Polish allies and the people, angered by the occupation, and turned into militias.

L'artillerie turque, d'une puissance inégalée à ce jour, tient la 
ville en respect depuis quelques semaines.
The Turkish artillery, unmatched power to this day, holds the city in respect in recent weeks.

A l'aube, une brise fraiche s'insinue dans les rangs des miliciens...
ainsi qu'une peur insidieuse et tenace...
At dawn, a fresh breeze is creeping into the ranks of the militia...
and an insidious and persistent fear ...
Tableau du début de la bataille : l'armée bavaroise a fait la jonction avec
 l'armée autrichienne, et les Turcs s'avancent pour resserrer l'étau...
Painting from the beginning of the battle: the Bavarian army made the junction with
the Austrian army, and the Turks advance to tighten the noose ...

9h00. Un moment surpris par cette réaction, l'armée ottomane se regroupe...
La bataille de Vienne peut commencer...
Alexis, Ronie, Serge et Cédric du côté turc,
Benoit, Christophe et moi-même du côté coalisé...

9am. A moment surprised by this reaction, the Ottoman army is regrouping ... 
The Battle of Vienna can begin ...
On Turkish side : Alexis, Ronie, Serge and CHristopher,
Allied troops are ordered by Benoit, Christopher and me.

La marche turque...
 The Turkish march...

Belle et colorée, spahis en tête, une armée des plus impressionnantes...
Beautiful and colorful, spahis ahead, a most impressive army...

Alors, à l'arrivée du contingent bavarois, une clameur parcourt le champ de bataille!
So with the arrival of Bavarian contingent, a clamor is traveling the battlefield!

Clameur arrivant aux oreilles du comte Ernst Rüdiger von Starhemberg, 
installé dans son carrosse. C'est le moment d'attaquer!
Clamor reaching the ears of Count Ernst Rüdiger von STARHEMBERG
 installed in his carriage. It's the time to attack!

Des deux côtés on se lance à l'assaut, moment privilégié pour fouiller dans
les pensées des joueurs, songeant à ce qu'ils feront une fois la victoire obtenue...

Both sides launch an assault, an opportunity to delve into
the thoughts of the players, thinking what they will do once the victory ...

Rêves de joueurs...Players dreams...

10h, les premiers feux retentissent...

10am, the first shots are heard...

Schussbereit ...


C'est alors qu'un allié de poids, Jean III Sobieski, s'ajoute aux forces de libération...
sous un soleil prometteur, il déploie ses ailes et prend les rênes de la révolte. 
Then a powerful ally, Jean III Sobieski, is added to the liberation forces ...
under a bright sun, it spreads its wings and takes the reins of the revolt.

Et notre aile droite s'embrasa...
And our right wing caught fire ...

C'est au centre et sur notre aile droite que la partie est la plus animée : Benoit et ses hussards ailés se rue à l'attaque pendant que Christophe et moi-même encaissons durement les offensives ottomanes.
In the center and on our right wing, the game is really animated : Benoit and his winged hussars 
rush to the attack while Christophe and myself defan against Ottoman offensives.

Tour 7 : l'armée ottomane est tenue en respect par nos feux . Dans un premier temps...
Tour 7: Ottoman army was held in respect by our efficient shots. As a first step ...

Dans un premier temps seulement, car quelques cavaliers lourds arrivent au contact
malgré nos tirs, d'autres tombent grâce à notre deuxième rang formé de piques...

At first only because some heavy horsemen come in contact
despite our shots, others fall, killed by our second ranks formed with pikes ...

Bientôt la cavalerie moyenne les rejoint, les combats sont terribles...
Mais au final les piques restent maîtres du terrain, ils ont raison des cavaliers...
Soon the medium cavalry joins the fight...terrible fight... 
But in the end the pikes remain masters of the field, they repulse Ottoman cavalry ...

Mais derrière les cavaliers...
But, behind the cavalry...

Ce sont les janissaires qui chargent. Nos troupes, fatiguées par le
 précédent combat, marquent le coup...

Janissaries are charging. Our troops, tired by the previous fight, begin to retreat...
Et bientôt au centre c'est la panique, l'ennemi est partout, nos officiers tentent 
de rallier les fuyards, mais certains se sont déjà réfugiés à l'intérieur 
des remparts,  d'autres sont dispersés dans la nature.
And soon in the center it's panic, the enemy is everywhere, our officers are trying to rally the fugitives, but some are now taking refuge inside the walls, others are scattered in nature.

Livre XVIIème siècle...XVIIth century book.

Voilà, victoire des troupes ottomanes pour cette partie
librement adaptée de la situation historique, 7 PV à 5...La chute de la 
Sublime Porte sera pour une autre fois...mais ceci est une autre histoire!

That's it, victory of the Ottoman troops for this game,
freely adapted from the historical situation, 7 VP vs 5 ... The fall of the
Sublime Porte will be for another time ... but that's another story!

Merci à tous, thanks everyone!

Bienvenue à Matt, Maj.Gen. C. G. Gordon, Royal Engineers!

73 commentaires:

  1. Réponses
    1. Polish Winged Hussars is a incredible unit for me, really wonderful and almost unreal...glad you enjoy Michal!

  2. bravo! Une periode peu jouee et de belles figs, avec un beau cr.

    1. Merci Seb, c'est vrai que c'est une période malheureusement très rare sur nos tables...

  3. Another tremendous game and wonderful report. The 'what players think' photograph is inspired!.

    1. I am pretty satisfied of this gif...not so far from truth may be! Thanks Michael...

    2. That was the point, heppy to read this Anne!

  4. Yes, as Michael said. Always a pleasure to view your wonderful games with historical background. Love the count's carriage as well as the winged hussars.

    1. Thanks a lot Dean, as I said I am always impressed by these splendid hussars, Christopher's paint job...

  5. La glorieuse Bataille de Kahlenberg! grande victoire pour le christianisme. Un jeu de guerre significative pour les temps que nous vivons ... et surtout pour l'Europe. Très belles figures des légendaires Hussards Ailées. Salutations du extrême sud.

    1. Merci beaucoup Carlos, ces hussards ailés remportent un franc succès décidément...mais est-ce une surprise? Salutations de France!

  6. Très bon CR, l'armée ottomane est très belle. Je suis assez en accord avec le doux rêveur de petites bouteilles de houblon.......

    1. Je vois que monsieur est connaisseur...merci Frantz!

  7. Great AAR! Nice to see a game involving Ottomans! They are surprisingly rare on the games tables considering how large their Empire was and how many wars they took part in.

    1. Agree! This colorful army is really, really impressive...and rare! Glad you enjoy, thanks!

  8. Hahaha, les reves des joueurs - magnifique, cette idée!! Je préfère l´Amazone, moi aussi....
    Supe jolie, la bataille - j´aime les Turques avec leur chapeaux et les bleu des manteaux..
    Merci pour ce divertissement!!

    1. Merci à toi Peter pour ce très gentil commentaire...A bientôt!

  9. Awesome!

    Love the colors!

    All the painted figures/units look superb, love the Ottomans units plus the Polish Winged Hussar marvelous!

    Also, :o) I like the thoughts of the players photo :o) two thumbs up for a great wargame's report/article!

    1. That's very, very kind of you my friend, in this battle mins paintting is from Christopher...thanks for all these kind words!

    2. Hey Phil!.....Pass on my "Salute" to Christopher, recognizing him as an excellent miniatures painter!.....cheers!

  10. Great looking game Phil. Love your figures!

  11. Réponses
    1. Je peux confirmer, surtout que ce ne sont pas les miennes, ce fut un plaisir de jouer de telles armées...Merci à toi!

  12. Great report Phil! Fantastic looking game too!

  13. Once more into the BatRep breach, Phil! Outstanding! Your Ottomans are colorful and winged hussars spectacular!

    Great stuff as always.

    1. I appreciate your kind words Jonathan, thank you so much!

  14. Fantastically painted figures Phil, in a little gamed but really interesting period. What an excellent report!

    1. Thank you so much, painting is from Christopher...

  15. Nice job of staging and fighting the battle. And the batrep is very good.

    1. Capt. Scargo speaking... shkhsk.. Thanks..shjshsj...glad you enjoy sjsjshlkhs...

  16. Wonderful! I adore the animation. If only I could see into my opponent's mind and use it against him. :-)

  17. Superb armies Phil! The Polish Winged Hussara are always eye catching.

    1. These Hussars are really nice, agree, so impressive on a table...Thanks Cyrus, Christopher will be pleased!

  18. My favourtie pics are the cannon and that coach. Marvelous!

    1. Love this coach too, difficult to think generals and nobles could follow the 'show' inside such confortable places! Thanks for visiting Anne...

  19. Fantastic report Phil, its an excellent period, maybe I should get some Ottomans too????

  20. Great AAR Phil, like flipping though a book. Hope to see more of those Winged Hussars in games to come, amazing painting for 15s!

    1. That's very kind of you, thanks for your kind words...

  21. Fantastic again! Your reports are an institution!

  22. love the little carriages :)
    My region of Vojvodina was the main battlefield between the Austrians and the bloodthirsty Turks which is why we are called Vojvodina (in Serbian it means 'where the battle is lead')

    1. Thanks for this comment Dezmond, it seems that you've got a region (and family) historically very rich and interesting...but probably also witnesses of dramas...

  23. Vous m'épatez vraiment! La période est peu jouée en France et les armées sont superbes.
    Sincères félicitations à vous.

    1. Un grand merci à toi. Comme je le disais, on joue peu cette période, même au club, et c'est un vrai plaisir chaque fois...

  24. Those Janissaries look the part alright! And the Polish cavalry are always impressive on the field.

    Pity about the stalemate, looks as though a return engagement will be needed!

    1. We'll come back for the revenge...many thanks to you, much appreciated.

  25. Fantastic game report! I also like the beautifull painted figures! The thoughts of the players are a great addition! Lol!


    1. Thank you so much, glad you njoy the players thoughts, it was a bit long to create!

  26. Although I like reading about historical military exploits, I must admit I know nothing of the wars you are recreating above. Nice bat rep as usual.

  27. Brilliant looking game Phil! Lots of little details to discover each time I look at the pictures.

  28. Some great table shots with the castle in the backdrop.
    Those players thoughts made me chuckle.

  29. Great figures and report. The allies will have to regroup and turn back the Ottomans and keep history intact! I'll be posting up my recently finished Ottoman army on my blog soon. I think the one pictured here is nicer. It's a good contrast seeing an exotic army on the table.

    1. Thanks, much appreciated...can't wait to see your Ottoman units, this army is really impressive, so many colors...

  30. It is a woderful scene with so many figurines. I would like to have one of this at my home! But I think ther is no room enough jajajajaj.
    I love to see battles like this


  31. Omg - I've never seen so much action and it's on a blog! Wow, I felt the excitement of Benoit and his rushing Hussies - uh - whatever they were called(smile). I go see Orks at Fran's and the French at Loki's but oh wow! this one really impressed the heck out of me. Just watching 'em cross the field - dammit man - get out of the way!!! (sorry, seems I've lost my head) Thanks for visiting my blog. Can't wait to see the Turks get whooped or does that happen? (history evades me at the moment) Thanks again.

    1. Lol! Thank you so much for these kind words, similar to the spirit of your blog, funny and great...so glad you enjoy!

  32. Félicitations pour votre excellent travail. Les Armées sont tous magnifiques - j´ai particulièrement aimé les lanciers ailés! :)

    1. Merci beaucoup, ces lanciers sont vraiment un plus sur une table!
