From the rooftops of the village of El Jayr, the sentinels see suspicious clouds of dust. Des toits du village d'El Jayr, les sentinelles aperçoivent des nuages de poussière suspects. |
Habiles sur des chameaux comme sur des chevaux, des cavaliers sortent du village voisin. Skilful on camels as on horses, horsemen leave the neighboring village. |
Un village en apparence pourtant calme la veille. A village apparently calm the day before. |
Mais ce matin, à la fraîche, nous avons tenu un conseil de guerre et rassemblé nos troupes. But in the early morning, we held a council of war and assembled our troops. |
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Les premières lignes françaises évoluent en terrain clair, d'un pas bientôt hésitant... The first French lines evolve in clear terrain, soon with an hesitant step ... |
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Car, il faut l'avouer, la quantité d'hommes ayant répondu à notre appel est impressionnant! Because, it must be confessed, the number of men who answered our call is impressive! |
Bonjour à tous,
La Kabylie est en feu aujourd'hui.
Nous sommes en 1857, et Napoléon III veut coloniser cette région fertile.
Un second empire joué par Christophe et Serge.
En face, moins bien armés mais tout aussi motivés, les cavaliers et hommes de guerre
commandés par Ronie et moi-même.
Hello everyone,
Kabylie is on fire today.
We are in 1857, and Napoleon III wants to colonize this fertile region.
A second empire played by Christophe and Serge.
On the other side, the riders and men of war commanded by Ronie and myself were less well armed but equally motivated.
Hello everyone,
Kabylie is on fire today.
We are in 1857, and Napoleon III wants to colonize this fertile region.
A second empire played by Christophe and Serge.
On the other side, the riders and men of war commanded by Ronie and myself were less well armed but equally motivated.
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Notre plan initial : attaquer sur notre gauche tout en harcelant les Français à droite. Our initial plan: attack on our left while harassing the French right. |
La végétation est clairsemée, mais utilisée au maximum par nos soldats. The vegetation is sparse, but used to the maximum by our soldiers. |
Mieux entraînés, rapides et plus proche de l'ennemi, les artilleurs français sont plus efficaces. Better trained, quicker and closer to the enemy, French artillerymen are more efficient. |
Et puis, à la onzième heure de cette chaude journée, un fusil tendu, c'est le signal... And then, at the eleventh hour of this hot day, a gun stretched out, this is the signal ... |
Des deux côtés parlent les fusils , des deux côtés nombreuses sont les pertes... On both sides speak the rifles, on both sides heavy are the losses ... |
Le hameau central est en proie à de violents échanges entre Ronie et Christophe. The central hamlet is the scene of violent exchanges between Ronie and Christophe. |
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Echanges suivis de loin par les généraux armés de fusées (peu efficaces!) et de jumelles. Exchanges followed far away by generals armed with rockets (not very effective!) and binoculars. |
![]() | ils constatent bien vite que le hameau n'appartient plus aux Français! ... and they soon realize that the hamlet no longer belongs to the French! |
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Le hameau renfermait quelques photos et plans, souvenirs d'une armée conquérante... The hamlet contained some photos and plans, memories of a conquering army ... |
Le soleil est maintenant au zénith et la bataille fait rage...
The sun is now at the zenith and the battle rages ...
Bataille par endroits fratricide, certains autochtones ayant choisi le camp de Napoléon III. Fratricidal battle in some places, some natives having chosen Napoleon III's side. |
Les artilleurs français, pourtant efficaces, payent de leur vie la lenteur du rechargement. The French artillerymen, however efficient, paid with their life the slowness of the reloading. |
Les généraux français se prennent à douter de la victoire, une partie des leurs est en fuite. The French generals begin to doubt the victory, part of them is in flight. |
La retraite est décidée, protégée par les abris des premières maisons du village fortifié.
The retreat is decided, protected by the shelters of the first houses of the fortified village. |
Quelques jours plus tard...
A few days later...
A few days later...
De notre côté aussi leurs renforts sont attendus, de pied ferme...mais c'est une autre histoire! On our side also their reinforcements are expected, of firm foot ... but it is another story! |
Voilà, c'est ainsi que débute une nouvelle saison après mon périple en Norvège,
En route donc vers de nouvelles aventures!
This is how a new season begins after my trip to Norway,
So head for new adventures!
En route donc vers de nouvelles aventures!
This is how a new season begins after my trip to Norway,
So head for new adventures!
Welcome to Steeve Wer
A very impressive battle Phil :) I have always liked the fact that you present battles from different time periods. :)
RépondreSupprimerWe have this incredible luck to play many periods...
SupprimerI've always wanted me a camel cavalry, or shall we call it a camelry? :) That, and a squadron of raccoons!
RépondreSupprimerWell, camelry may be the best name, even if raccoons are more cute imho!
SupprimerWow that Battle Report looks amazing.
RépondreSupprimerMany thanks Dominig!
SupprimerGreat looking game Phil.
RépondreSupprimerVery nice of you Mark...
SupprimerGreat looking battle
RépondreSupprimerThanks a lot Neil!
SupprimerGreat report Phil! And another interesting era! You don't see the wars of the Second Empire played too often.
RépondreSupprimerAgree with you, a rare priod on our tables unfortunatly...
SupprimerExcellent AAR - Algeria in the 1830s and 1840s is high on my list of projects. In fact if you have any info on Macta 1835 it would be greatly appreciated. As usual there is barely anything in English :)
RépondreSupprimerMany thanks...Did you watch on the TMP pages?
SupprimerYes I did see it on TMP. I also put a link on facebook :)
SupprimerSo...good luck Alan! Not an easy period...but fascinating!
SupprimerI think this be one of your best posts ever. The story is intriguing (its a period of history I always find interesting, Stevie did an AAR centred around Napoleon III, ever on TGC: but I think yours is `historically` a little better defined and breathtakingly exciting).
RépondreSupprimerThe miniatures themselves are extraordinary, and the scenery is Ooo la laa, simply exquisite. Much more of is calibre of work please, I could read and enjoy this for ever :-)
Hi Hils...What can I say? A big, big thank you, much appreciated...
SupprimerМолодец Фил! Браво. Прекрасная игра!
SupprimerAhhh there you are my friend. I was starting to miss your posts. As Hils says, this is r-e-m-a-r-k-a-b-l-y good stuff Phil, absolutely top shelf material, and the models and terrain are all sublime works of art. I especially like the subject material and the setting you guys have chosen for this one. Enthralling story, well told, and amazingly well photographed, as always.
RépondreSupprimerVery nice of you Steve...Even if, with age, more and more photos are blurry, and I have to make difficult choices ... but there is still enough!
SupprimerLooks fantastic Phil!
RépondreSupprimerGlad you enjoy Rodger...
SupprimerDieu c'est grand! Excellent début de saison, très exotique!
RépondreSupprimerMerci beaucoup, espérons que la saison soit à la hauteur du début alors!
SupprimerA grand way to open the campaign season.
RépondreSupprimer(Now I have nostalgia for my old 15mm Arabs!)
Many thanks Ross, hope I'll see one day your 15mm Arabs army...
SupprimerPhil! So good to see the return of your fabulous BatReps! My favorite photo is the close-up of the French Voltigeur defending the house. Is he an Old Glory figure? Second Empire, one of my favorite periods.
RépondreSupprimerYes I think so...but I'm not sure, answer here soon...And thanks a lot!
SupprimerWell, the answer is : Frnach guys are essex, olsd glory et minifigs...but no idea which one...
Wonderful epic photo journal of battle, complete with battlefield pictures, sounds of cannon fire, camel grunts, soldiers yelling, rifle blasts, etc.
RépondreSupprimerI would love this theater more if it served a cup of espresso.
SupprimerWith one sugar or two my friend?
SupprimerJust cream, thanks, I'm diabetic.
SupprimerNo prob cap'tain, I never take it either, for about the same reasons ...
SupprimerWonderful AAR - these french are real beauties!
RépondreSupprimerA nice period to play, a very nice period...
SupprimerWonderful game and figures, Phil! Brings back fond memories of some of my first figures. Airfix FFL and Bedouins.I think I also had the fort too.
RépondreSupprimerAIrfix? I know what you mean, they were wonderful...
SupprimerWonderful game and figures, Phil! Brings back fond memories of some of my first figures. Airfix FFL and Bedouins.I think I also had the fort too.
RépondreSupprimer...and many thanks for your kind words Dean!
SupprimerHa! Phil is back. Thank You for a next great report!
RépondreSupprimerAnd thanks for your encouragements as always Michal...
SupprimerWelcome back from your trip. As always you prove yourself a master (battlemaster?) of story telling. Well done Sir!
RépondreSupprimerMuch appreciated Rod, glad you like this one...
SupprimerWow! Beautiful figs and I love the way you tell the story.
RépondreSupprimerCheers Bruce, many thanks...
SupprimerAbsolutely brilliant Phil.
RépondreSupprimerSo sweet of you Michael, thanks a lot...
SupprimerFantastic report Phil ! And many wonderful painted mini's ! Great job !
Thank you so much Mario!
SupprimerAbsolutely awesome game! Love the report too!
RépondreSupprimerGlad you enjoyed John, thanks...
SupprimerGreat report as usual Phil - lovely looking figures and scenery - and looked like a fun game, but for the French, not so much!
RépondreSupprimerWell, they were able to retreat in order, and tomorrow is another day...revenge soon!
SupprimerAwesome report and looks fabulous as always. Deeply envious of the games you get involved in :)
RépondreSupprimerThat's very nice of you Simon...
SupprimerJust beautiful as usual Phil. The variety of your games is simply amazing.
RépondreSupprimerMany thanks Lawrence...
SupprimerGreat photos, report and troops Phil!
RépondreSupprimerVery nice of you Cyrus!
SupprimerAmazing stuff
RépondreSupprimerExcellent! It was enjoyable to read and review the pictures.
RépondreSupprimerMy pleasure Mark!
SupprimerGreat BR Phil I really like the camel cavalry, The all battle looks great, beautiful and fantastic!!
RépondreSupprimerSo nice of you, thanks a lot!
SupprimerDe retour de Norvège et te voilà reparti dans les confins kabyles pour un récit emporté et fort bien illustré, merci beaucoup!
RépondreSupprimerBonne rentrée ludique aux Riflemen.
Merci à toi, c'est toujours un grand plaisir...Et bonne rentrée ludique de votre côté!
SupprimerWow, there are certainly a lot of great looking figurine/terrain combo pieces in this battle report. Thanks for sharing Phil! :)
RépondreSupprimerYour kind words are much appreciated, thanks!
Supprimergorgeous table and gorgeous minis
RépondreSupprimerVery nice of you Takeda!
SupprimerLovely looking table as always fabulous figures, scenery and storytelling!
RépondreSupprimerBest Iain
Glad you enjoyed this one sir, thanks for visiting...
SupprimerUn scénario formidable, m'a rappelé tout le charme et la nostalgie des films et des histoires de la Légion Étrangère que j'avais l'habitude de voir quand j'étais jeune. Félicitations pour la table et les miniatures, superbes comme toujours. Salutations de l'extrême sud. Carlos
RépondreSupprimerUn grand merci à toi Carlos, c'est très gentil...
SupprimerWonderful scenery. Once again you represent another page of History. Impressive figurines, scenery and History.
Buildings and terrain of this period are atmospheric, glad you like them Kike, thznks!
SupprimerPhil,I really liked this one very much. The figures looked really cool in spite of fighting under the wide open glare of such an Algerian sun. The table top buildings were very stylish props in use.Great looking photographs coupled with your ongoing battle report of each stage of your game certainly skilfully fitted every scene quite well. Bravo! BB
RépondreSupprimerI appreciate you sweet comment Paul, very nice of you, especially since it's difficult to play and to take photos at the same time...After that, it's only work ... and ideas!
SupprimerBravo et merci pour ce beau rapport de bataille !
RépondreSupprimerMerci à toi pour ta visite!
SupprimerGreat pictures and theme.
RépondreSupprimerMiddle East to be very little here
Very kind of you my friend!
SupprimerI love the clever use of graphics and beautiful photography. Lovely report!
RépondreSupprimerGlad you enjoy this kind of report sir, much appreciated...
SupprimerLovely looking game Phil!
RépondreSupprimerVery nice of you my friend!
SupprimerYet another wonderful collection and very well presented.
RépondreSupprimerMuch appreciated, love this collection as well...
SupprimerGreat battle report and excellent post as usual
RépondreSupprimerTHanks a lot Mark, I appreciate...
SupprimerLovely batrep as always Phil!
RépondreSupprimerVery kind of you my friend!
SupprimerBeautiful figures and table, and, as always, wonderful imagination. Too good!
Glad you enjoyed Aaron, very nice of you!