Capua's morning sun reflects on the Carthaginian shields. Le soleil de Capoue du matin se reflète sur les boucliers carthaginois. |
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Start of the legendary delights of Capua. Début des légendaires délices de Capoue. |
Hannibal, endormi?
Non. Avec son armée amoindrie, le stratège attend du soutien.
De Carthage, bien sûr, mais aussi de Macédoine et de Syracuse, ses nouveaux alliés.
Chaque heure qui passe apporte son flot de renforts...
Hannibal, asleep? No. With its weakened army the strategist is waiting for support.
From Carthage of course...But also from Macedonia and Syracuse, his new allies.
Each hour brings new reinforcements ...
Chaque heure qui passe apporte son flot de renforts...
Hannibal, asleep? No. With its weakened army the strategist is waiting for support.
From Carthage of course...But also from Macedonia and Syracuse, his new allies.
Each hour brings new reinforcements ...
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Sortant de leur camp, les alliés se dirigent vers Capoue. Out of their camp, the allies are moving towards Capua. |
Des tribus gauloises indisciplinées et vindicatives...Rome va tomber! Gallic tribes undisciplined and vindictive ... Rome will fall! |
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Et bien sûr, les Numides et quelques éléphants... And of course, the Numidians and some elephants ... |
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In stone, Roman reaction. Gravée dans le marbre, la réaction romaine. |
The opportunity for me to test my new catapult ... L'occasion pour moi de tester ma nouvelle catapulte... |
Hello everyone!
The stage is set, the 3rd century BC in Campania
The Romans (Alex and I) need to get ahead of
Carthaginians and their allies (Benoit and Ronie) coming from all sides ...
Bonjour à tous!
Le décor est planté, 3ème siècle avant JC en Campanie,
Les Romains (Alex et moi-même) doivent prendre de vitesse
les Carthaginois et leurs alliés (Benoit et Ronie) qui arrivent de toutes parts...
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L'armée romaine progresse en direction des positions fortifiées aux alentours de Capoue. The Roman army advancing towards fortified positions around Capua. |
Les troupes d'Hannibal attendent, à l'abri. Hannibal's troops waiting at the shelter. |
Boucliers luisant au soleil du sud de l'Italie, les fiers grecs ont répondu à l' nous faut attaquer au plus vite avant que tous les alliés de Carthage ne soient présents!
Shiny shields in the south Italy's sun , proud Greeks responded to the call ... We need to attack quickly, before all Carthage allies being present! |
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When doubt is read in the opposing eyes ... Quand le doute se lit dans les yeux adverses... |
... take advantage of it and hit with your sword! ...profites-en et abats ton glaive! |
Fratricidal struggle in the center, Gauls against Gauls! Lutte fratricide au centre, Gaulois contre Gaulois! |
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Greek pikemen are finally here ... but we are now almost two against one! Les piquiers grecs sont enfin là...mais nous sommes maintenant à presque deux contre un! |
Quelques heures plus tard...
A few hours later ...
Paucis horis post...
A warm welcome to Christian Torren, Gordon Richards, Marga, Sergi Rico.
Merci à tous, Hope you enjoy, Et qui te vicit salute...
Scénario "what if" imaginé par Ronie.
Next time : "Pour l'Empereur!".
Another trip back in time to a battle of elephantamental proportions. Great work!
RépondreSupprimerYour signature animations are a treat, sir.
Touched to the heart my friend...many thanks!
SupprimerPhil, you have woven, yet again, another fine tale of conflict. Storytelling is brilliant and the photos and animation first rate.
RépondreSupprimerWell done!
That's very kind of you Jonathan, much appreciated!
SupprimerGreat fun Phil, love the AAR style
Glad you enjoy JJ, thanks for visiting...
SupprimerFantastic Phil! I love reports like this one! beatifull armies! I love hoplites and gauls!
RépondreSupprimerHoplites are my favourites...Benoit's job...but now they are on the run! Thanks a lot!
RépondreSupprimerI'm bored. when I go to watch reports here - as always, will be great photos, great miniatures and interesting extras. bored, there's nothing wrong ... :) :) :)
Lol! That's very sweet of you...even if it is greatly exaggerated! Thank you so much!
SupprimerGreat batrep... its ashame that the cartaginians didt win.
RépondreSupprimerNot to my mind! I was on the Roman side...thanks!
SupprimerVery good report and beautiful armies. Love your catapult and of course the best of all, the Rome is victorious!
RépondreSupprimerThanks a lot Bart, this catapult will destroy many other walls, for sure!
SupprimerBeautifully set table, and with a game comprising both war-elephants and catapults I'm not surprised it was a bloody affair. Lovely AAR!
RépondreSupprimerYou're right, a brutes fighting...and so funny! Thanks a lot...
SupprimerMagnificent! A beautiful game and an excellent retelling, very impressive :-)
RépondreSupprimerVery kind of you Paul, much appreciated!
SupprimerExcellent setup Phil! I'm always amazed by the fact that Hannibal's army was composed of so many different nations yet he defeated the Romans many times and came close to wining the war.
RépondreSupprimerHannibal's army was so eclectic and powerful...many thanks!
SupprimerMarvelous battle, Phil. Great photos of beautiful figures and terrain as always.
RépondreSupprimerThank Dean, glad you like this one...
Supprimerbravo belle bataille Rome est trop forte lol
RépondreSupprimermais cela ne durera pas ....
Carpe Diem...
SupprimerBrilliant battle report Phil and great figures. Looks like you all had a good time.
RépondreSupprimerA good time, you're right! Thanks for your kind words Peter...
SupprimerGreat to see.
RépondreSupprimerI like most these Capua images.
General: This is one of the best pages which I have received make visit.
The colors, designs, and short and to the point description of the incident.
Glad you like Capua's images Maximex, I appreciate your kind comment, many thanks!
SupprimerBravo, toujours la bonne humeur! un trés amusant raport d`une magnifique bataille, c´est un plaisir visiter les Riflemen! :D!
Ré un grand plaisir de te lire mon ami, merci!
SupprimerTrès coloré et divertissant! Les murs de Capoue donner à la scène une touche très intéressante. Félicitations pour un autre excellent match. Meilleures salutations de l'extrême sud, Carlos
RépondreSupprimerUn grand merci à toi Carlos, bonjour de France...
SupprimerSplendid storytelling Phil! The tabletop is so beautiful and the very last picture told the tale. Roma victor!
RépondreSupprimerThanks Monty, this was a good day for Roma!
SupprimerVery enjoyable report Phil and some cool looking armies
RépondreSupprimerGlad you like these armies, many thanks!
SupprimerGreat report and great armies Phil!
RépondreSupprimerThank you so much, may be one day Biblical fights here, your blog is really tempting for this period...
SupprimerAnother visual treat Phil!
Thank you so much Rod!
SupprimerGreat AAR. Always love the graphics.m
RépondreSupprimerThat's very nice of you Mark, thanks a lot...
SupprimerYeah nice one Phil an enjoyable read mate.
RépondreSupprimerGlad you like it, thanks!
SupprimerExcellent, very nice troops phil!
RépondreSupprimerMany thanks Paul, much appreciated...
SupprimerGreat report again Phil. Wonderful troops too!
RépondreSupprimerMy favourites are the hoplites, Benoit's troops...thanks for visiting Rodger!
SupprimerGreat AAR Phil! Gotta love your use of maps! Really makes everything a lot clearer.
RépondreSupprimerLong to create but I'm quite satisfied, thanks a lot!
SupprimerGreat looking game!
RépondreSupprimerVery kind of you Bob!
SupprimerGreat looking battle Phil. I'm keen to see the Carthaginians bounce back from this.
RépondreSupprimerSo do I! Thanks for visiting...
SupprimerHi Phil, this is an spectacular scene with so many figurines. Fantastic. I looking forward seeing more
RépondreSupprimerGlad you enjoy, many thanks!
SupprimerFantastic looking battle Phil! That fort is smashing.
RépondreSupprimerWell, initially it is a 19th century's fort ...but don't repeat that, it's a secret Jonas ... thanks!
RépondreSupprimerSuperbe! Je suis en train de lire les mangas de la série "Ad astra". C'est donc avec un grand plaisir que j'ai pu m'immerger dans le récit de votre partie.
Une mention spéciale aux gaulois que je trouve splendides.
Ludiquement énervants! Ce sont ceux de Benoit, et j'ai un peu honte de montrer les miens maintenant! Enervants ces peintres aux talents surnaturels...un grand merci à toi!
SupprimerEncore un Cr très sympa
RépondreSupprimerMerci Frantz!
SupprimerGorgeous, Phil! I love anything about Punic wars! I even translated some books on them for my publisher.
RépondreSupprimerLove the Gallic tribes, golden shields, the Greeks, the elephant!
Thank you so much Dezmond, glad you like them!
SupprimerYou keep on bring your a-game to the blog Phil. Excellent work!
RépondreSupprimerVery kind of you Paul, thanks!
SupprimerA very high standard of painting amongst these Phil. Another superb collection.
RépondreSupprimerCheers sir, very kind or you...
SupprimerI couldn't stop laughing when seeing the photo captioned, when doubt is read in the opponent's eyes. ROFL XD Brilliant photo capture!
RépondreSupprimerI was satisfied of this one as well, very ...atmospheric! Many thanks!
SupprimerGreat stuff, love the castle terrain
RépondreSupprimerMany thanks!
SupprimerGreat pictures- love the maps too! They really add to the battle report.
RépondreSupprimerVery nice of you John...your last post is really excellent!
SupprimerGreat AAR. Thanks for the effort. I enjoyed it. What rules did you use, btw?
RépondreSupprimerMany thanks for your kind words, rules are a fast play system, link on the blog...
SupprimerGauls against Gauls? Must be that one payed better as the other one! Great battle report!
Thank you so much Peter, glad you enjoyed warlike Gauls!