Le club de jeux d'histoire de Bourg en Bresse

History and figures.......История и статуэтки......Geschichte und Figuren....Storia e figurine.....Historia i figurki......Historia y figuras....历史和雕像....Geschiedenis en cijfers....التاريخ والتماثيل الصغيرة....Sejarah dan tokoh

mardi 29 mars 2016

795, Invasion...Carlus Magnus!

Kagan said it. That day the sun will illuminate our victory!
Le Kagan l'a dit. Ce jour le soleil illuminera notre victoire!

Supply in the Avar camp...a counter strike is prepared!
Ravitaillement dans le camp Avar...on prépare la contre attaque!

Et c'est la revue de troupes : boucliers et armures pour faire face aux flèches ennemies...
And this is the review of troops, shields and armor to face the enemy arrows...

...et aux projectiles plus imposants!
...and to face the more impressive shots!

Devant les palissades de son fort, le commandant, inquiet, envoie quelques éclaireurs...
Est-ce une véritable attaque Avare?
Before the palisades of the fort, the commander sent some scouts ... is this a real Avar attack ?

Les éclaireurs se font vite une idée, et doivent décocher quelques flèches avant de s'enfuir...
The scouts understand quickly, and must shoot some arrows before fleeing ...

Car une masse imposante de cavalerie se dirige vers les premiers villages...
As an imposing mass of cavalry goes to the first villages ...

Bonjour à tous,
Charlemagne, comme à chaque printemps, part en campagne.
Son but : "assurer la transmission de la foi chrétienne
jusqu'aux limites de l'univers."
Et aujourd'hui les limites, c'est moi. Les Avars.
Peuple asiatique installé dans la vallée danubienne.
On pillait tranquillement la région avant sa venue...

Hello everyone,
Charlemagne, like every spring, is going to make war.
His goal: "ensure the transmission of the Christian faith
to the limits of the universe. "
And today the limits, it's me. Avars.
Asian people installed in the Danube valley,
quietly  pillaging the area before his coming ...

Mon plan : attaquer rapidement à droite pour me reporter sur le centre ensuite...
My plan: attack quickly on my right, then go to the center ...

Accueillis par quelques arbalètes, mes cavaliers des steppes les disperseront vite.
Welcomed by some crossbows, riders of the steppes will quickly disperse them.

Depuis les ruines romaines depuis longtemps envahies par la mousse, le chef carolingien harangue ses troupes : l'aile gauche sera sacrifiée, haro sur le centre!
Since the Roman ruins for a long time overgrown with moss, Carolingian leader harangue his troops the left wing will be sacrificed, outcry against the center!

Le corps central de Christophe sort du camp. Équipé de la broigne, sorte de blouson de cuir couvert d'écailles, dont la fabrication est tenue secrète, interdiction d'exporter l'arme fatale!
The central corps of Christopher  gets out of camp. Equipped with broigne, sort of 
leather jacket covered with scales, whose manufacturing is kept secret... export ban!

Tour 3 : la rapidité de mes cavaliers des steppes n'est pas une légende, je galope vers l'ennemi! A gauche mes alliés Germains investissent le village.
Turn 3: the speed of my steppes horsemen is not a legend, I galloped towards the enemy! 
On left my allies Germans invest the village.

Approche perturbée par quelques projectiles lointains...impressionnant mais peu efficace!
Approach disrupted by a few distant shots ... impressive but not very efficient!

 "♫ Entendez-vous, dans nos campagnes, sonner du cor ces féroces soldats? ♪"

Mon centre. Lourd, puissant. La mobilité n'est pas leur atout principal...
My center. Heavy, powerful. Mobility is not their greatest asset ...

Tour 6 marqué par les volées de flèches carolingiennes cette fois efficaces!
6th turn characterized by volleys of Carolingian arrows...effective!

L' ordre dispersé de mes cavaliers me permet de gagner un peu de temps...
The skirmish order allows me to gain a little time ...

A droite le plan se déroule bien : la cavalerie légère carolingienne est défaite en 5 tours!
On the right the plan is going well: the Carolingian light cavalry is defeated in 5 rounds!

L'aile droite victorieuse, elle doit se reporter sur le centre pour gagner...mais vite car...
The right wing victorious, it must go to the center to win the game ... but quickly because ...

Mon aile gauche : mes rares troupes à pied, des alliés germains, vont vite se faire malmener...
La broigne, il me faut la broigne!
My left wing: my rare troops on foot, German allies, will become soon pushed around ... 
The broigne, I need the broigne!

Et les combats sont acharnés, les soldats de Charlemagne progressent vite, et mon aile de cavalerie légère qui n'arrive pas...
And the fighting was fierce, Charlemagne's troops advancing quickly, 
and my light cavalry wing is not coming ...

Ils ne sont pourtant pas loin, et arrivent à brides abattues...mais les bottes de pailles cachaient  des tirailleurs...et je prends de nouvelles pertes!
They are not, however, far and arrive quickly ... but the straw bales hid sharpshooters ...
 and I take further losses!

Et petit à petit la soldatesque franque se retrouve sans ennemi sur le champ de bataille...
And slowly the Frankish soldiery finds himself without an enemy on the battlefield ...

Défaite! Oh, ce ne fut pas la déconfiture (5 points à 3) mais mes yourtes sucrées,
 je vais reprendre ma vie de nomade...
Defeat! Oh, it was not the collapse (5 points to 3) but my yurts are lost, I will restart my nomadic life

La conclusion dans un très vieux manuscrit du VIIIèmé siècle, en français et en latin...

The conclusion in a very old manuscript of the VIIIth century, inFrench and Latin ...

L'Histoire relatée par Eginhard, le biographe de Charlemagne...mais c'est une autre Histoire!
History told by Eginhard, Charlemagne's biographer ... but that is another History!

Merci à tous, thanks everyone!


92 commentaires:

  1. Wonderfully epic, Phil! Will Roncevaux Pass be in the future?

  2. Charlemagne, un guerrier légendaire, une table de jeu magnifique et un rapport excellent! Cordiales salutations de l'extrême sud

    1. Que l'extrême sud en soit chaleureusement remercié!

  3. Lovely minis and a superb battle report, as always!

  4. Awesome looking game and figures!.... Great photos (Carolingian Archers firing picture) and games report!


    1. Thanks Phil, love the Carolingian archers' photo as well...

  5. Fabuleux!!! Merveilleuses minis et scenario!!!

  6. VEery enjoyable, Phil! Pretty minis, too.

  7. Great blog post. Nicely presented and the photo's are great.

  8. Great game. Great looking figures. The victory was so close... Anyway great period of history, such a shame is not much more popular on tables.

    1. Agree with you Bart...a fabulous period to play!

  9. You and your group do some awesome things!

  10. Fantastic like always Phil! Beauty minis and terrain!

  11. Excellent photos and enjoyable battle repirt

  12. Another epic adventure! Great report Phil!!!

  13. Superbe et tu n'es pas "Avare" de spectacle et de photos ;)

    1. Je te laisse la responsabilité de jeu de mot...que je n'ai pas pu placer dans le rapport! Merci!

  14. Wonderfully painted minis (I like the mix of shields), and a great story line! The Dark Ages are so much inspirational (as a war game, of course) because they give room for interpretation. :)

  15. Encore un bon moment de détente et c'est pas du luxe après une journée de boulot.

  16. Fantastic miniatures Phil and awesome report !

  17. passionnant CR et belle victoire de Charlemagne !

  18. Brilliant report and table! Your group has an amazing collection. I marvel at the brushwork.

  19. Your games always look fun and play out in some fascinating periods of history! I love the quirky little magazines and manuscripts you add in as well!

  20. Toujours aussi palpitant!
    Merci pour ces belles photos et ces superbes hordes.

  21. Wonderful report Phil! You guys really have a great selection of eras that you play!

  22. Great work from start to finish, Phil.

  23. Fantastic
    Great to see once again
    Archers, onagers, riders, etc.

  24. such a massive battle it was, Philie! And they even have battle machines! Could be somewhere in my regions if they're close to Danube and wild Avars

    1. Could be...Thanks for visiting...in a civilized manner ... not like Avars!

  25. Beautiful painting, photography, and a great story!

  26. Nicely done Phil ... both the photos and report.

  27. Great stuff Phil, love the setup!

  28. Phil superb post. Great battle raport.

  29. Another great AAR. The thing I love most about your blog Phil is that I'm never sure what's coming next, but know it will always be interesting.

    1. It's a very nice compliment...much much appreciated!

  30. Again a very clear game report with excellent pictures! And let us not forget the fantastic painted figures! Very colorfull to! Thanks for sharing!


    1. And thanks for visiting and commenting Peter, your sweet words are much appreciated...

  31. Entertaining report Phil. Always full of character! Love those Yurts!

    1. Thanks David, agree with you about the Yurts, Christopher's job...

  32. Wonderfu! There is no age in History you do not represent! This is an amazing dio with all those figurines. Which will be the next?


    1. Thank you so much Kike...and next one is in State of Virginia...

    2. You do ACW too? How exciting I've just started that period as well.

    3. Just seen your great report David...As bloody as mine I'm afraid! In a few days...

  33. Now this is a Top Man Review of the Game Play,and a real pleasure at long last to read it and view your figures.Very neat painting style Phil. Top Marks for the presentation of this Post Too. Best Brush Forward. BB

    1. That's a Top Man Comment...much appreciated BB!

  34. Beautiful stuff Phil. Thanks for translating it too. The commentary is fun to read and gives good context to the events.

    David S.
    Minnesota, USA

    1. Very kind of you, David from Minnesota, much appreciated...

  35. Another fantastic battle (in very interesting times) and fantastic report. The range of historical periods your cover with this magnificient battles is amazing.

    1. Thansk a lot...we only need time (a lot!) to paint and to play!

  36. Passionnant compte rendu, magnifiques mises en peinture et très belles photos. Ludiquement Welnin.

    1. C'est très gentil de ta part, merci beaucoup...
