Le club de jeux d'histoire de Bourg en Bresse

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lundi 9 novembre 2015

1866, les Autrichiens...1866, Austrians...

Austrian officers in training ... a brilliant idea germinated in their minds.
Officiers autrichiens à l'entraînement...une idée géniale a germé dans leur esprit.

1866 : le choc ou le feu?
Bonjour à tous,
Présentation d'une période peu connue en France, la guerre de 1866.
Confrontation entre deux doctrines bien différentes...
Commençons du côté autrichien...

1866 shock or fire?
Hello everyone,
Presentation of a little known period in France, the war of 1866.
Confrontation between two very different doctrines ...
Let's start on the Austrian side ...

Après sa défaite de 1859, l'armée autrichienne tente d'adopter la "Furia Francese"...
Ce sera la Stoss Tactik.

After its 1859 defeat, the Austrian army tries to adopt the 'Furia Francese'...
It is the Stoss Tactik.

Stosstactik : la charge à la baïonnette...elle doit tout emporter!
Stoss tactik : bayonet charge, all must go!

Cette tactique est née des réflexions de l’état major impérial : les balles Minié utilisées par les Prussiens ont un défaut de trajectoire, il existerait une zone inefficace...Reste à l'exploiter en chargeant!

This tactic is born of the reflections of the Imperial General Staff: the Minie bullets used by the Prussians have a trajectory defect, there would be an ineffective area ... remains to exploit it by charging!

Hélas, juste avant le conflit les Prussiens adaptent une hausse sur le fusil Dreyse qui corrige ce défaut !!
Unfortunately, just before the war the Prussians chngee Dreyse rifle that corrects this defect!!

De plus les Autrichiens espèrent que le chargement rapide du fusil  prussien sera à leur désavantage, pensant que les conscrits prussiens, dans le stress du combat, épuiseront rapidement et à longue distance leurs munitions …
 C’était oublier la rigueur de la discipline prussienne…
L’impact sur les colonnes d’assaut autrichiennes fut dévastateur : 3 à 4 fois plus de pertes!

Furthermore the Austrians hope the fast loading of the Prussian rifle will be to their disadvantage, thinking that the Prussian conscripts in combat stress, consumed rapidly and long-range ammunition ... It was forgetting the rigor of Prussian discipline ...
The impact on the Austrian assault columns was devastating: 3 to 4 times more casualties!

L’armée autrichienne a aussi ses atouts. L'artillerie pour commencer.

The Austrian army has its strengths. The artillery first.

Complètement rééquipée avec les nouvelles pièces de 4 et de 8 du système Bodenzug. 
Une artillerie puissante et précise qui surclasse celle des Prussiens.
Completely equipped with new pieces of 4 and 8 of Bodenzug system. A powerful and accurate artillery which outperforms the Prussian guns.

Les Prussiens de leur côté consomment deux fois moins de munitions dans les batailles...
The Prussians on their side consume twice less ammunition in battles ...

La cavalerie ensuite, redoutable et nombreuse...Les brigades de cavalerie sont disponibles à l’échelon de la division. Cette arme s’avère très efficace en unité de « surgissement »...

Then the cavalry, numerous and fearsome ... The cavalry brigades are available at the level of division. This weapon is very effective in  unit of "emergence" ...

Surtout face à une infanterie prussienne en ordre dispersé...Ici Uhlans et cuirassiers
 autrichiens en charge...
Especially in a Prussian infantry disorganized ... Here Austrian Uhlans and Cuirassiers...

Certains hussards autrichiens disposent de carabines à répétitions achetées aux U.S.A après l’expérience américaine de certains de leurs officiers durant la guerre de sécession. 
Some Austrian hussars have rehearsals rifles purchased in the US after the American experience of some of their officers during the Civil War.

Sans oublier les missions de reconnaissance...
Without forgetting the reconnaissance missions ...

Une cavalerie autrichienne haute en couleurs...
High colored Austrian cavalry...

Autre atout, les Jagers autrichiens, de remarquables tireurs avec une excellente carabine Lorenz (qui comme le fusil surclasse , en portée, le Dreyse). L’entrainement au tir sur cible est quotidien mais ils seront quelques fois mal utilisés et même sacrifiés, en colonne d’assaut, baionettes au canon !

Another asset, the Austrian Jagers, remarkable shooters with excellent Lorenz rifle (which as the rifle outperforms in range the Dreyse). The training in target shooting is daily but they are sometimes misused and even killed in assaulting columns, with bayonets !

Troupes légères autrichiennes dans les décombres d'un village.
Austrian light troops in the ruins of a village.

...Un autre atout, les alliés saxons qu'on aperçoit ici...mais ceci est une autre histoire...
... Another advantage, allies Saxon one sees here ... but that's another story ...

Merci à tous, il y aura  dans quelques temps la vision prussienne du conflit, 
et la présentation de ces Saxons...En attendant, portez-vous bien!

Thank you to everyone, there will be later the Prussian vision of the conflict,
and the presentation of these Saxons ... Meanwhile, keep well!


Notre première bataille en 1866, our fisrt 1866 battle

Les figurines sont des Old Glory, 15mm, peinture Christophe, un grand 
merci à lui pour son aide.

And welcome to Solo wargaming on a budget and Preacher by day!

86 commentaires:

  1. Austrians, preparing to fight the previous war!

    Nice troops!

  2. Great figures, poor misguided Austrians!

  3. Like always great post and fantastic minis :)

  4. Excellent! Dantesque !

    tiens une question, ça dure combien de temps en moyenne une partie?

    1. Merci beaucoup...entre 2 et 5 heures, suivant la grosseur de la partie et le nombre de joueurs...

  5. It looks amazing. I hope you do the Königgrätz battle.

  6. Very educational, and very attractive soldiers. Looking forward to the battle!

  7. Thanks, Homie. Very nice presentation.

  8. But maybe this time, on the tabletop, the Austrians will win. 1866 was a close campaign. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  9. them nasty Austrians were always such dandy people :) By the way, I love how French people say Austrians in their language :)

    1. But they were courageous...charging was a crazy idea sometimes!

    2. I called them nasty :) because they were always imperialistic throughout the history and have been spreading evil around this part of Europe for centuries... right wing always dominates there.

    3. Agree...but what a pity for the simple men on the battlefields ...

  10. Great work on all the models, pity the poor Austrians! Fancy relying on the enemy running out of ammo as a tactic!

    1. And running out of ammo, for a Prussian, is not so easy...

  11. Cracking little game Phil, lovely job.

  12. Thanks again for another entertaining and informative examination of the arms and tactics of a period some of us might not be familiar with!

    Well done, that man!

  13. Very nice minis, I love the first pic the stables are great.

  14. Lovely figures, photos and report Phil!

  15. Very interesting Phil. A period I'm not very familiar with. I look forward to reading more.

  16. Amazing collection Phil! As you know Phil, this is my favorite period (1864-1866-1870/71) and I really enjoyed this read and the pics. Looking forward to more posts on this theme. Imagine the impact on World history if the Prussians had lost the war against Austria in 1866 :0)

    1. Difficult to imagine actually...Prussians were so strong! Thanks for visiting, much appreciated!

  17. Nice selection of troops for the Austrians! It seems they would be perfectly set for fighting a war against Napoleon! Too these battles are 50 years later :)

  18. Great work Phil, and nice to see something a little more unusual for a change.

  19. Great report Phil! Fantastic looking troops too!

  20. Excellent report once again Phil. And top looking troops too!

  21. Grande table de jeu! La batterie prussienne est impressionnant, mais mon cœur est avec les Autrichiens. Amicalement, Carlos

    1. Merci beaucoup Carlos...et bon courage aux Autrichiens!

  22. Lovely post! One can say about the Austrians a lot, but without them the wargame world would just be half the fun! ;)

  23. The Austrians need Arnold Schwarzenegger in their ranks. Otherwise, a good report Phil. :)

  24. Great post Phil! Lots of lovely minis and very interesting bits of history.

  25. Bonjour,
    J'ai vraiment fortement apprécié ce message qui mêle d'excellentes photos, des figurines splendides et des informations pointues sur les armées.Mille mercis et vivement la suite.

  26. Hi Phil, another excellent paintig work. I love the display of figurines in the battle, so real.

    Waiting for more!

  27. WOW. Fantastic report! Great minis and excellent buildings (especially this one from the first photo - windows with panes, moss on the wall etc. )

  28. Splendid game Phil and the Austrian uniform doesn't look too different from 1809 does it?

  29. Great Battle Report Phil. A Jolly Good Set Up Too. Splendid Style of Painting on the Figures Too. Thanks again for your visits to my little blog. Beano Boy

    1. Thank you so much Beano Boy, it's always a pleasure to visit your blog...

  30. Phil,

    Splendid pictures of troops from one of my favourite wargaming periods.

    I sincerely hope that you, and none of your group, had family affected by the events in Paris over night.

    Mark Strachan

    1. Phil,

      Correction to above, should read "...had no famil..."

    2. My son was in Paris on this black day, but no problem for him...Thanks for your kind words, much appreciated...

  31. Yet another period I've always been tempted to get into. Lovely pics and minis, thanks for sharing another nice write up!

  32. They look amazing great work there phil

  33. Sorry for the late visit, Phil. But as always splendid display, and great historical anecdotes, particularly the advancements in weapon technology.

    1. Never too late Dean! Many thanks, much appreciated...

  34. Histoire & talent...! Un scenario très impressionant, et des magnifiques minis...! A bientot ami Phil :)

  35. I really love your work. I am really sad that I am not living in France and be able to attent to your games.Keep up with the reports.Very nice projects!!!
