Le club de jeux d'histoire de Bourg en Bresse

History and figures.......История и статуэтки......Geschichte und Figuren....Storia e figurine.....Historia i figurki......Historia y figuras....历史和雕像....Geschiedenis en cijfers....التاريخ والتماثيل الصغيرة....Sejarah dan tokoh

mardi 18 août 2015

1778, Liberty or death!

The day before, there were many casualties on either side after a few skirmishes ...
La veille, il y eu de nombreux blessés de chaque côté après quelques escarmouches...

Alors au petit matin les officiers britanniques vérifient que l'ennemi s'est bien enfui...
Then in the early morning the British officers check that the enemy has fled ... 

Mais il n'en est rien. Volontaires, miliciens, 'patriotes' se sont au contraire réunis pour nous faire barrage.
But they did not. Volunteers, militia, 'patriots' were instead gathered in order to block us.

Quelques Insurgents sont même fortifié leurs positions, en haut d'une colline.
Some Insurgents have even strengthened their positions at the top of a hill.

Mais la couronne britannique ne l'entend pas de cette oreille...Puisqu'ils acceptent le combat, finissons-en! Un objectif, un seul, avoir un pied sur la colline ce soir! "Feu!".
But the British crown does not hear it that way ... Since they accept the fight, get it over with! One goal, only one, having one foot on the hill tonight! "Fire!".

Bonjour à tous,
Petit voyage sur le continent américain du XVIIIème siècle aujourd'hui...
Christophe et moi jouons les Britanniques et leurs alliés,
Face à Serge, Américain épris de liberté...

Hello everyone,
Little trip on the American continent, eighteenth century...
Christophe and I play the British and their allies,
Faced with Serge American freedom-loving ...

Stratégie de la tenaille pour prendre la colline avant la nuit...
The pincer strategy to take the hill before dark ...

Rassemblement de nos alliés Hessois...le tambour annonce le début de la bataille.
Gathering of our Hessian allies ... drum announces the start of the battle.

Le rythme insufflé par le tambour fait alors place au pas cadencé des bottes britanniques et hessoises. Nous avançons vers l'objectif, confiants, imperturbables...
The rate blown through the drum is then replaced by the sounds of the British and Hessian boots. We are moving towards the goal, confident, unflappable ...

Du moins perturbés par l'accueil des volontaires...
Well, actually disturbed by the reception of volunteers ...

Feux nourris sur mon aile, j'ai la supériorité numérique, mais il faut faire vite, très vite...
Heavy fires on my wing, I have the numerical superiority, but I must be fast, very fast ...

Progression de l'aile gauche de Christophe. Autour de ses grenadiers, des troupes aguerries face aux Américains moins expérimentés mais visiblement motivés.
Progression of the left wing of Christopher. Around its grenadiers, experienced 
troops face the less experienced Americans... but obviously motivated.

La cavalerie patriote de Serge se sacrifie face à mes Allemands, j'y perdrai de précieux tours en vue de la victoire finale...
Serge's patriot cavalry sacrifices facing my German troops, I will lose
 valuable turns for the final victory ...

Tour 8 : ma progression sur l'aile droite est enrayée par l'ardeur défensive des patriotes.
Tour 8: my progress on the right wing is hampered by the defensive patriotic fervor.

Le débordement de ma cavalerie est enfin réalisé...mais le soleil est déjà bas dans le ciel.
The overflowing of my cavalry is finally realized ... but the sun is already low in the sky.

Il reste 2 tours pour gravir la colline...mal engagé!
Only 2 turns left to climb the hill ... hard for us!

Au centre l'officier anglais lève alors son bicorne, signal convenu pour la charge décisive...
In the center the English officer then raised his cocked hat, arranged signal for the decisive charge...

Les tirs des Kentucky Rifles sont effroyables, et notre moral vacille dans la montée...
The Kentucky Rifles shots are appalling, and our moral wavers on the climb ...

Tour 13 : nos cavaliers tentent de déborder les américains. En vain. Accueillis par les tirs patriotes, nos chevaux fatigués par la charge en pente vont mourir au pied de l'objectif fixé...
Turn 13: our horsemen are trying to outflank the Americans. in vain. Welcomed by the Patriots shots, horses tired by the charge in slope are going to die at the foot of the target ...

Contrat rempli pour Serge. Ses pertes sont élevées, mais il aura tenu les 13 tours de jeu, il peut brandir le drapeau 'Liberty or Death'...ce drapeau ou un autre...nouveau...
Contract completed for Serge. Its losses are high, but he held 13 rounds of play, he can raise the flag 'Liberty or Death' ...this flag or another one...new...

Stars and Stripes...legend?

Thanks, and let's go to a new season...

Merci, et en route donc pour une nouvelle saison...


71 commentaires:

  1. Once again,fantastic battle report Phil!

  2. Great stuff. I love this era. What scale are those miniatures?

    1. 15mm. Actually we play only 15mm, except in WWII. Thanks!

  3. Salut Phil! Fantastiques minis, comme d´habitude! C´est un plaisir revoir les batailles des Riflemen!!

  4. I like the setting in that second photo from the end, Phillie!

    1. Glad you liked it Dezmond, thanks for your comment...

  5. Advancing uphill into rifle fire was never going to be painless - i think that was the final straw!

    Thanks again, Phil, for another massively entertaining battle report!

  6. Stunning battle report once again.
    Well finished with characters and objects.

    It remains only to wonder how big was French and Spanish, the power of the United States on the continent at that time, and how small control area was these new rebellious america, and how big this area is now...

    1. Right, wars are not so easy to understand, even many years after...

  7. Fantastic report Phil! Lovely looking table and troops too.

  8. Love it! Top notch Phil. Well done.

  9. Some pretty great action there with nice figures.

  10. Great report Phil, but a gruelling game, better luck next time.

  11. Fantastic report again Phil! Great to see you fighting on the new world as well

  12. Fantastic stuff as always Phil keep up the good work

  13. Funtastic read, as always, Phil. I must say the variety of attire rivals that of a Napoleonic battle - not just the various uniforms, but the militia/civilian clothing. Very colorful!

  14. Phil, great to see you have returned to the gaming table!
    You have not lost your storytelling form while on vacation.
    Excellent BatRep!

  15. I see you got a "bloodied" hill as well. Fantastic minis and superb rap! AWI is one of my favourites!

    1. You're right, our latest report has got the same subject...a bloody hill in differnet periods! Thanks for visiting Michael.

  16. Bravo! Lovely figures and very entertaining report.

  17. Great report Phil. Love the look of Hessian troops. Well done Patriots!

    1. Hessian troops are my favorites, they look proud and beautiful...Christopher's job...Thanks Bart!

  18. Another excellent battle report even if it was the wrong outcome - God Save The King!!!

    1. Agree with you, I was on the King's side this time...but victory was on the other! Thanks for commenting Stryker...

  19. super Cr comme d'habitude , une bonne rentrée des riflemens

  20. Good to have your skilled AARs back again - and what a cracking start! Amazing AWI collection you guys have built there - love the command stands!

    1. Glad you like this collection...and the AAR, thanks a lot...

  21. Une période très intéressante: le XVIIIe siècle sur le sol américain. Comme toujours un jeu très intéressant et un excellent rapport. Cordialement, Carlos

  22. Great work! The animated battle maps are excellent and helpful.

  23. Réponses
    1. Thanks Rod, hope we'll have something to play one day with Mexican troops as yours!

  24. Great AWI photos, armies and report Phil!

  25. Like always great battle and raport :)

  26. Another superb battle report...and those figures are just brilliant. Great paint jobs!

  27. Great Stuff Phil. The figures really stand out well on the table. Beano Boy

  28. Hi Paul, another piece of History through your scenes. Great scenary and figurines. I expect th next one.

    1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

    2. Thanks a lot Kike...even if the first name is not the right one...it reassures me, it happens sometimes to me!

  29. Oh those Americans, rifles, entrenchments, they never play fair.
    Love the telescope shot!
    Your posts give me nostalgia for my old 15mm armies.

    1. Hi Ross...rifles and entrenchments were a big problem for us, you're right...but we'll come again! Meny thanks for visiting...

  30. One of my favourite periods and you have done it proud with yet another impressive collection.

  31. Very nice indeed Phil, and great to have you back!

    The British were in for a rough time it seems ...

    1. And glad to see you back in painting Jonas...Thanks for visiting!

  32. C'est super! J'apprécie beaucoup cette période.
    J'attribue 13 étoiles aux Hessois, à a plaquette "Liberty or Death" et aux fougueux cavaliers anglais. En fait, tout est génial.
    Merci à vous

    1. Ben là j'ai plus rien à dire...sauf un très grand merci!

  33. Ahhh liberty. I wish all countries would adopt this concept. Instead I am always reading news of bigoted politicians. :(
