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Morning shadows on the Hougoumont farm ... Ombres du matin sur la ferme d'Hougoumont... |
Hello everyone,
After the last article about the centennial
We are today in the bicentennial with among others the preparation of Waterloo ...
Two well known buildings in Hovels and new Prussians
painted by Dimitri ... Place to pictures...
Bonjour à tous,
Après le dernier article consacré au centenaire,
Nous voici en plein bicentenaire avec entre autre la préparation de Waterloo...
Deux bâtiments fort connus de chez Hovels, et de nouveaux Prussiens
peints par Dimitri...Place aux images...
Les Britanniques à Waterloo : ravitaillement avant la bataille... The British army at Waterloo : supply befire the battle... |
Place aux Prussiens...Place to the Prussians...
Lanciers Landwehrs Prussiens, 2ème de Silésie. Prussians 2nd Silesian Landwehr Lancers |
Les figurines sont du 15mm, marque CGM...
Minis are from CGM, 15mm...
Troupes légères prussiennes en embuscade. Prussian light troops in ambush. |
10ème régiment de ligne prussien, au rythme du tambour... Prussian 10th Line regiment, to the rhythm of the drum... |
1er régiment d'infanterie Landwehr de Poméranie...Vorwärts! Pomeranian 1st Landwehr Infantry Regiment...Vorwärts! |
10ème régiment de réserve...Reserve 10th Infantry Regiment... |
6ème régiment de hussards prussiens, en charge! 6th Prussian Hussar Regiment, charging! |
Retournons à Hougoumont pour un instant...
Let's go back to Hougoumont for an instant...
L'attaque française au sud de Hougoumont et la résistance héroïque des Britanniques... The French attack south of Hougoumont and the heroic resistance of the British ... |
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...magnifiée dans ce tableau, que j'ai un peu animé... ...magnified in this picture that I have animated... |
Poursuivons par d'autres Prussiens...
Let's continue with other Prussians...
Let's continue with other Prussians...
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Artillerie prussienne.Prussian artillery. |
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8ème régiment de dragons prussiens. (AB).8th Dragoon regiment. (AB). |
2ème régiment de Kurmark de cavalerie Landwehr (AB). 2nd Kurmark Landwehr regiment. (AB). |
Allez, pour finir le coucher de soleil sur Hougoumont...
And to conclude, the sunset on Hougoumont...
Voilà, je reste connecté quelques jours encore,
puis un peu de vacances loin d'internet,
entre la côté d'azur et le Louvre...
A bientôt...
Well, I am still connected a few more days,
then some holidays away from internet,
between the "côte d'Azur" and the Louvre ...
See you soon...
Bienvenue aux nouveaux membres
Welcome to our new members :
Archiduc Piccolo, Nate Torrent, Paul Waechter.
Bienvenue aux nouveaux membres
Welcome to our new members :
Archiduc Piccolo, Nate Torrent, Paul Waechter.
You always have such lovely pictures. The first two and the last one are my favourites.
RépondreSupprimerEnjoy your holiday!
Many thanks for your kind words Anne...in fact I struggled to find the right light for the first two pics, the sun is corrently capricious here...glad you enjoy!
RépondreSupprimerThanks to you!
Another lovely post and enjoy your holiday Phil.
RépondreSupprimerThank you Michael, I'll try to find the sun...
some great looking troops especially tje Prussians
RépondreSupprimerGlad you like them, Dimitri is really talented I think...
SupprimerAll the best,
Lovely Prussians Phil, what make are the figures that are not AB?
RépondreSupprimerHi Paul, they are CGM miniatures...thank you!
Excellent post comme d'hab' !
RépondreSupprimerTrès belle peinture pour les figs 15mm !
J'aime bien les batiments aussi.
Bref: Bravo !
Merci à toi Sam, très sympa de ta part...
... et bonnes vacances !
RépondreSupprimer...on va essayer!
SupprimerGreat work! I love Prussians troops!
RépondreSupprimerDimitri's paint work! Love them too...
SupprimerThanks Michal, greetings...
Great, they look amazing, I have the dvd movie Waterloo with Rod Stiger and Chris Plummer, I watch it every year since I saw it on tv back in the 80s, thats what got me in to the hobby I used to make prince August lead troops back in the day
RépondreSupprimerA beautiful occupation, you can watch some movies dozens of times without tiring ...Thanks for your kind words!
Very kind of you Andrew, see you soon...
Voila des beaux bâtiments, les figurines AB sont superbes. Je pense créer une grosse armée française en 15mm avec du AB figurine et je vais aller maté se fabricant de bâtiments. Bonne vacance à toi et à bientôt Christian.
RépondreSupprimerTu peux y aller, c'est du tout bon...la peinture est de chez eux aussi pour les bâtiments, et franchement c'est très bien...
SupprimerMerci bien, à +.
The Prussians are looking very nice Phil. Love the animation shots!
RépondreSupprimerThanks for this comment Rodger, glad you like the minis and the animations...
Your Prussians are great. Love them. Have a nice holliday!
RépondreSupprimerThanks for the paint job of Dimitri, I'll try to have a nice holliday, thanks Bart...
RépondreSupprimerJe suis admiratif, les prussiens sont splendides, bravo!
C'est ce que je pense aussi...si seulement j'avais son talent et sa minutie!
SupprimerMerci beaucoup, à très bientôt, et bravo pour le dernier post...
Solid looking fellows Phil! Excellent work.
RépondreSupprimerHi Paul,
SupprimerGlad you enjoy this post, thanks for visiting...
Hi Phil, splendid work with son many details.
Very kind of you sir, much appreciated!
SupprimerAll the best,
Belles figs, et bonne vacance !
RépondreSupprimerMerci Frantz, à très bientôt...
those buildings are so amazing, Phil!
RépondreSupprimerGlad you like them, many thanks to you!
Great animation as always and beautiful Prussians, have a good one Phil.
RépondreSupprimerMany thanks Fran, much appreciated...
SupprimerWarmed regards,
Great terrain as always, and the troops are very well detailed/painted. Excellent post!
RépondreSupprimerThanks to you Dean, glad you enjoy!
SupprimerAll the best,
Great looking terrain! Something to look to for inspiration when I start building all the buildings for our club Waterloo project
RépondreSupprimerSo kind of you...I look forward to see this project on your blog!
Lovely work, from the buildings to all the figures. What a showdown.
RépondreSupprimerP.S. Bald Eagles nest on a lake near me. Yesterday, I saw one in a big tree behind my back yard. Nothing inspires quite like an eagle!
You're right Monty, love these majestic animals too, their flight are so mighty...
SupprimerThanks for your kind words, best regards,
Joliment peint ces prussiens surtout si on considère l'échelle. Bravo pour le peintre.
Merci Pat, je transmets...
Very nice pictures. Miniaures and scenario are very impressive
RépondreSupprimerThank you so much Mark, I've just discovered your great looking blog...excellent work!
Your team is setting up nicely for the 200 anniversary 1815 battles. Prussians are outstanding!
RépondreSupprimerI hope so Jonathan...Troops are ready, nearly...Glad you enjoy the Prussians...
Superb Hougoumont and Prussians Phil!
RépondreSupprimerMany thanks to you Mike!
Lovely painting on both the buildings and the miniatures – what a great collection!
RépondreSupprimerI appreciate your kind words Jonas, glad you enjoy!
Poor little drummer. A drum is no shield against bullets.
RépondreSupprimerYou're right, por little drummer...but the end of the war is not so far...
SupprimerThanks for visiting,
très belles figurines et de beaux bâtiments
RépondreSupprimerbonnes vacances
Merci pour tout Spock, et à dans quelques jours...
Waterloo est le nom de la propagande anglaise. Vous devez utiliser la Belle-Alliance ou Mont Saint Jean! Comme toujours, de belles figures et de superbes bâtiments. Félicitations de l'extrême sud!
RépondreSupprimerMerci beaucoup à l'extrême sud, c'est toujours un très grand plaisir...
SupprimerA bientôt,
Great painting on the Prussians. Hougoumont looksimpressive as well.
RépondreSupprimerVery kind of you Minimike, thanks for visiting...
Looks great! A classic battle!
RépondreSupprimerThank you so much, glad you enjoyed...
Beautiful post as usual. Obviously Essex miniatures... ;-)
RépondreSupprimerAnd Nice, Cannes and Paris for your holidays...Envy, envy, envy!!! :-p
Not Essex, but CGM and AB today! Back from Cannes, tomorrow Paris...envy, envy, envy!
But where is Blucher...?
RépondreSupprimerIs he resting in his tent, recovering from being impregnated with an elephant by a French Grenadier, perhaps?
Lovely work with the photos as usual, Phil, and my compliments to all your comrades in your merry band!
Lol! Blucher will be here soon enough, unfortunately for the Frenchies!
SupprimerThanks for your comment,
Hi, Phil. Nice presentation and animation. Enjoy the vacation.
RépondreSupprimerGlad to see you again Jay, thanks for visiting...
SupprimerAll, the best for you and your family...
I love the Reservists and landwehr.
RépondreSupprimerThanks, love the landwehr too!
A great period, figures and buildings and finished off in style in your last picture with the flying eagle.
RépondreSupprimerHave a good holiday.
Back from holiday just now! Thanks Pat, that was excellent, Le Louvre is really stunning! Thanks for your kind words!
What I like the most are the buildings! They look fantastic!
You're right, Hovels buildings, and sold painted!
SupprimerThanks Peter!
Hi Phil,the figures are for me the best thing I like the most,along with your good communication skills ,a bright something dumb little me used to try and teach way back in the dark ages. But enough of me this is your crackerjack box of delightful comments. I just Love this kinda Stuff! BB
RépondreSupprimerYour comment is much appreciated Paul, thank you so much...