Le club de jeux d'histoire de Bourg en Bresse

History and figures.......История и статуэтки......Geschichte und Figuren....Storia e figurine.....Historia i figurki......Historia y figuras....历史和雕像....Geschiedenis en cijfers....التاريخ والتماثيل الصغيرة....Sejarah dan tokoh

vendredi 7 novembre 2014

Fuentes de Onoro, 1811.

The first French batallions are coming in front of Fuentes de Onoro...
Arrivée des premiers bataillons français en vue de Fuentes de Onoro...

Depuis plus d'un an, Masséna assiège la frontière portugaise où Wellington s'est retranché derrière ses fameuses lignes. Les troupes françaises sont affamées, les lignes de ravitaillement fragiles. Masséna, ce grand maréchal de France qui arpente les champs de bataille depuis près de 20 ans, la mort dans l'âme, est obligé de revenir en Espagne la tête basse.

For over a year, Massena besieged the Portuguese border where Wellington hid behind his famous lines. French troops are hungry, vulnerable are the supply lines. Massena, the Grand Marshal of France who roams the battlefields for nearly 20 years, 
heartsick, is forced to return to Spain head down.

Les Britanniques poursuivent alors l'armée française, qu'ils considèrent inapte au combat.
L'enfant chéri de la victoire est discrédité, raillé dans le reste de l'empire pour la conduite de sa campagne. Le maréchal Bessières, qui l'a rejoint à la tête d'un détachement de la garde impériale, envoie des rapports incendiaires à l'Empereur...Dans les jours qui viennent, probablement, le prince d'Essling sera démis de son commandement.

The British then pursued the French army, they consider unfit for combat. 
"L'enfant chéri de la victoire " is discredited, ridiculed in the rest of the Empire
 for the conduct of his campaign. Marshal Bessieres, who joined him at the head of a detachment of the Imperial Guard, sends incendiary reports to the Emperor ... 
In the coming days, probably, Prince of Essling will be relieved of his command .

Ses éclaireurs lui rapportent que l'armée coalisée stationne dans une vallée encaissée, autour du village de Fuentes de onoro...Il décide alors de tenter un dernier coup: il rassemble son armée, fait distribuer des vivres, et lui fait faire une volte-face afin de surprendre les alliés. Les soldats  français, vétérans pour la plupart, sont fous de joie de cette initiative, et reprennent la route en chantant la marseillaise, laissant sur leurs arrières tout ce qui peut les ralentir, notamment les batteries lourdes...

His scouts report that the allied army stations in a steep valley, around the village of Fuentes de Onoro ... so he decides to try one last shot : he gathers his army, distributes food, and makes ​​it do a flip -face to surprise the Allies. French soldiers, mostly veterans, are overjoyed with this initiative, and hit the road singing the Marseillaise, leaving behind their lines anything that can slow them down, especially the heavy batteries ...

Mais en face, revenu en urgence, se trouve maintenant Wellington...

But in front of him, came back in urgency, is now Wellington...

Notre déploiement initial : refus de l'aile gauche...les Français ont un placement 
libre (misère!) et choisissent d'attaquer sur tous les fronts.
Our initial deployment: refusal of the left ... the French have a placement 
free (Damned!) and choose to attack on all fronts.

Sur fond du village actuel, les équipes du jour...
The teams, actual village in background...

Les Britanniques en retrait du village, sur les hauteurs.
British troops, behind the village, on the hills.

Sur notre droite le contingent espagnol de Sanchez,
 ralentissant de loin l'avance française.
On our right wing the Spanish contingent, 
in charge of slowing the French  advance.

Au 3ème tour, Benoit franchit le ruisseau
 Dos Casas avec une masse de cavalerie impressionnante.
In the third round, Benoit crosses the Dos Casas stream 
with an impressive mass of cavalry.

Evènement aléatoire et premier coup de théâtre : Bessières, 
historiquement en retrait des combats, choisit d'intervenir avec
la cavalerie de la Grade...mauvaise nouvelle!
Random event and first coup de theatre...Bessières, who 
historically wanted to stay in the rear, chooses to intervene
with the Guard Cavalry...bed news for us!

Mes troupes tiennent courageusement Fuentes, la division Houston se défendant dans 
chaque ruelle étroite, se protégeant derrière les nombreux murets...mais le nombre 
aura raison de leur ténacité...Après 3 tours de durs combats, ma division est en retraite.My troops courageously defend Fuentes, the Houston division defending in every 
narrow alley, hiding behind the many walls ... brave but outnumbered ... 
After three rounds of hard fighting, my division is in retreat. 

Bon, il se passe tellement de choses de tous les côtés, 
et dans diverses langues, que pour résumer la situation, 
et en VO, je vous propose une petite page de BD...

Well, there is so much happening on all sides,
and in various languages...To sum ​​up the situation,
and in VO, I propose a little comic page ...

BD Napoléon...

Le soleil espagnol est à son zénith lorsque la nouvelle arrive : Fuentes est tombé. 
La deuxième ligne britannique de Ronnie s'apprête à recevoir l'ennemi...Notre problème 
est simple : nous n'avons pas de troisième ligne! Le légendaire feu britannique doit parler...
The Spanish sun is at its zenith when the news comes : Fuentes has follen. 
Ronnie's second British line gets ready to receive the enemy ... Our problem is simple: 
we do not have third-line! The legendary British fire must speak ...

Notre aile droite : la cavalerie française soufre dans son approche, mais elle progresse...Ce sera à Cédric, avec la Fighting Division, de couvrir le sud...Picton est au centre du dispositif.
Our right wing: the French cavalry suffers in its approach, but is progressing ... Cedric will have, with the Fighting Division, to cover the south ... Picton is at the center of the device.

L' assaut français est fulgurant! Belle résistance des Espagnols, les dragons et chasseurs français tombent par dizaines...mais quelques charges aboutissent et le doute s'installe!
The French assault is dazzling! Brave resistance of the Spaniards, the French dragons 
and chasseurs fall by tens ... but some charges are successful and doubt sets in our ranks!

Enfin une bonne nouvelle : un autre événement
aléatoire, historique celui-ci!

At last, a good news! This random event, historical,
could be so useful to us!

16h : Fuentes est en flammes, les combats font rage de toutes parts...Sur notre gauche, j'essaie de tenir la route, mais au loin j'aperçois les 'Chevaux Noirs', la Garde française arrive...
4pm : Fuentes is on fire, the fighting rages on all sides ... On the left, I try to hold the road, but not so far away I see the 'Black Horses', the French Guard arrives ...

C'est le moment choisi pour la contre-attaque. Ronie, à la tête de la division Spencer 
et au son de la cornemuse, descend de la colline...et avance...Bientôt
Fuentes est à portée de nos fusils, plus rien n'arrête les "Gentlemen Sons"...
It is the choosen time for the counter attack. Ronie, at the head of the division Spencer 
and at the sound of bagpipes, is walking down the hill ... then progresses ... soon 
Fuentes is within range of our muskets, nothing stops the "Gentlemen Sons " ...

...Rien sauf notre aile gauche qui vacille, sous l'action combinée de la 
cavalerie de la Garde et de l'attaque des divisions d'infanterie menées par Serge.
... Nothing except the left wing wavering under the combined action of the cavalry of the Guard and of the infantry divisions led by Serge.

Et je suis censé arrêter ça? Nos chevaux ont piaffé d'impatience toute la journée...
mais là...notre aile gauche craque, l'infanterie française s’engouffre dans les brèches 
ouvertes par Bessières, Portugais et Britanniques reculent, puis retraitent! 
And I'm supposed to stop this? Our horses were chomping at the bit all day ... 
but there ... our left wing cracks, the French infantry rushes into the gaps 
started by Bessieres, Portuguese and British became disorganized...and retreat!

Sur notre droite c'est un carnage : lourdes pertes chez les Français, mais ils atteignent  
leur objectif...Cédric, encerclé, recule, et c'est bientôt la retraite ici aussi!
On our right, it's a carnage : heavy casualties among the French, but they reach 
their goal ... Cedric, circled, is going back, and soon it's the retreat here too!

Les chevaux piaffent encore, mais de peur, nos drapeaux flottent encore dans le vent, mais pour indiquer le sens de la retraite...un officier écossais montre le chemin du repli, ordonné par Wellington. 
Prancing horses yet, but of fear, our flags still flutter in the wind, but to indicate the 
direction of retreat ... a Scottish officer shows the path of retreat, ordered by Wellington. 
Will there be a following day in this battle? This is another story ...

Bon, voilà, pour résumer la situation, on a pris une grosse, 

mais une grosse claque dans les derniers tours...
Y aura-t-il un lendemain à cette bataille comme historiquement? 
Ceci est une autre histoire...

Well, yeah, to sum ​​it up, we took a big, 
but a big slap in the final turns... 
Will there be a day in this battle as historically? 
This is another story ...

Merci à tous, on voyagera au XVIIème siècle la prochaine fois. 
En attendant, merci à Cédric pour son aide précieuse, et portez vous bien...

Thank you all, we'll travel in the seventeenth century next time. 
In the meantime, thank you to Cedric for his help, and take care of yourself ...

Bienvenue à, welcome to...
Duc de Gobin, Service Ration Distribution...


81 commentaires:

  1. Félicitations, il est un grand scénario napoléonienne, et comme toujours, un rapport très intéressant et très bien illustrés par de superbes photos. Salutations de l'extrême sud. Carlos

    1. C'est toujours un plaisir de lire tes commentaires élogieux Carlos, merci beaucoup et salutations amicales de France!

  2. Great looking battle with beautiful figures and terrain as always, Phil! Haven't played Napoleonics myself for a long time, and this post really has inspired me to get back into it someday. Best, Dean

    1. Well, I'm afraid I am disgusted with Nap after my poor performance here...Enjoy, and do better than I did!

  3. Great looking battle, the one I have always planned to fight as you can guess from my blog url.


    1. Thanks John,I had a look...do better than me if you play this one one day!

  4. Tremendous, I always looking forward to reading your reports Phil.

    1. That's very kind of you Michael, and it means a lot to me...thank you so much!

  5. Concur with others comments... great AAR along with great looking figures/units...awesome!
    Thanks for your hard work Phil for putting these articles together for us bloggers to read... much appreciated!


  6. An excellent report once again Phil! Your batreps always look fun!

  7. When you guys game, you really game. Your tables are always stunning and the way you do the batreps is a real feast for the eyes.

  8. Phil, are you a cinema director at heart? Great job as always!

  9. Encore un un excellent CR comme je les aime, sur une période que j'adore que demander de mieux.....ben la suite évidement !

  10. Great looking game and excellent report

  11. such an exciting battle, Phil! I always cheer against the Brits :)

    1. Well, not me for this battle...but thanks Dezmond!

  12. Great battle and great report. Love the comic animated relation.

  13. Great report Phil. Table, terrain and miniatures looks brilliant.

  14. I love what you do with these maps! Great report again!

    1. Thanks, these maps were difficult to make, hope I am not too far from the real terrain, but not sure, mountainous terrains are not easy!

  15. Great looking game, love your reports


  16. Excellent report and photos Phil!

  17. super Cr et quelle belle bataille Vive L'empereur !!!

  18. Superb game, photos and report Phil!

  19. Another arousing tabletop battle waged before our very eyes. Whatever may be the historical age of the battle, it seems that men everywhere can not get enough fighting under their pistol belts. I'm looking forward to visiting your 1600 battlefield!

    1. Very kind of you Jay, hope XVIIth century will look good...

  20. A splendid account and another game down to the wire! I adore the armies, and the beautiful terrain as well.

    1. Thanks Monty. Btw, I just received the 'gift' today, looks great...once again, thanks, soon on the blog!

  21. Looks like Napoleon may have found some relief from his Spanish Ulcer; at the very least, Sir Arthur Wellesley is nursing a bloody nose... and what a nose it is!

    Fantastic AAR as usual, Phil, well done!

    1. Lol! Anyway, Napoleon's Spanish Ulcer is still here, revenge is coming....thanks!

  22. Great thing see all these arrangements.
    I like these photos and play
    rare is portugal troops.

    As a young 15 - 25 years I like play to scale model.
    My mates mocked, I'm still a child.
    We play on words in the Finnish language means children play
    Game refers to, say, football, tennis, volleyball,

    1. Glad you like this, little boy.
      Phil, another little boy...

  23. Fantastic AAR! Your step by step dramatization is just a treat to read. It was a thrill to the the Grenadier a Cheval crush into the red line. I will have to paint this unit someday soon!

    1. This unit is really impressive...and so famous! But when you stand in front of them, you need to run fast!

  24. Que dire MonbonR. ? Impérial, tout simplement ...

    1. Merci bien...l'a pas été facile à faire, celui-là!

  25. Excellent report and very clear and easy to understand with your maps. The comic page was brilliant and made me laugh out loud.

    1. Thanks a lot Pat, glad you liked this comic page!

  26. Great report again! The maps make following the action a lot easier!

  27. Another excellent report Phil but there must be something wrong with your rules if Wellington lost?

    1. Thanks...I think the major problem was to play French batallions at full strengh, and with this damned random event (Guard cavalry) we had no chance of winning...but rules are never ultimate rules however!

  28. Good stuff Phil, very enjoyable read. Wellington said he would have been beaten if Napoleon had been there, and I guess you've discovered how right he was.

    1. Thanks for your kind comment, it was a hard fighting game anyway!

  29. Fantastic game and report as ever Phil.

    Fuentes makes for a great tabletop game. The French can win with a bit of luck and a lot of pushing! In reality, Bessires' insubordination likely cost Massena the battle, the Big Heels were needed at the moment of crisis on the Anglo-Allied left.

    1. A bit of luck, you've said it...Damned, I'll come back!
      Thanks for visiting James, much appreciated...

  30. Great terrain and figs for a classic scenario!

  31. Wow .... the colours on the miniatures look very good and they all 'pop'. I guess French blue is a great colour for war miniatures.

    1. Nap period is colorful, you're right...may be a reason of its popularity! Thanks...

  32. Gorgeous setup and lots of lovely miniatures – another winner Phil!

  33. Fantastic stuff Phil, your batreps are second too none

    1. You are exaggerating my friend...but i's very nice of you, much appreciated!

  34. I really love how these figures are painted! Great looking game!
    Three against six, isn't that a bit unfair? ;-)


    1. Three against six? I had not thought of this detail, that's the explanation! Well, actually there was a ratio of 1.5 vs 1, French troops were much more numerous, this is why there was so many French players...Thanks!

  35. That was a really great Battle report- and maps! You've inspired me to run this scenario using my Warmaster Nappies variant.


    1. Hi Thomas, can't wait to se your future reports! Thanks for these kind words, I appreciate...a lot!

  36. Fantastic post, Phil - love the painting, the figs looks great - really nice photos too. Having a pic of the actual battlefield is great.

  37. superbe, une narration vraiment bien emmenée !

  38. Je utilise Google Traducteur ... donc je ne sais pas ce que je écris ici ...
    Votre blog est fantastique. Les chiffres ont l'air très agréable. Salutations de l'Allemagne!
    Salutations de Kircheib et vieilles églises - les deux endroits peuvent être trouvées à l'Arc de Triomphe.
    Savez-vous général Marceau

  39. Haha, la BD me plait le meilleur! Fantastique, comme tu nous racontes les histoires, Phil - plein d´ images et d´idées extraordinaires. Vraiment un grand joix te lire ton post.

    1. Et c'est une grande joie de lire de tels commentaires de même! Merci beaucoup Peter, c'est très gentil de ta part...

    2. Merci et un merci en plus pour la correction de mes faux-pas en français - on dit: "la joie" ..:-) Il me manque la pratique... excuse!
      A bientôt, Peter

    3. Si je pouvais écrire dans ta langue avec autant de facilité que toi en Français, j'en serais très content! A bientôt...
