Arnoul d' Audrehem on his steed. Arnoul d'Audrehem sur son destrier. |
Bonjour à tous,
La suite de mon armée médiévale aujourd'hui,
De nouvelles figurines peintes
De nouvelles figurines peintes
Sous les couleurs d' Arnoul d'Audrehem...
Je laisse s'exprimer les témoins de l'époque...
Hello everyone,
Following my medieval army today
New painted units
Under the colors of Arnoul d'Audrehem
I let express eyewitnesses ...
Hello everyone,
Following my medieval army today
New painted units
Under the colors of Arnoul d'Audrehem
I let express eyewitnesses ...
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Moine copiste du XIVème siècle. Copyist monks of the fourteenth century. |
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Parchemin relatant le début de la vie d'Arnoul d'Audrehem. Parchment recounting the early life of Arnoul... |
Les chevaliers alliés d'Arnoul prennent le chemin du port... Allies knights of Arnulf are going to embarck ... |
...avec des vivres... ...with rations... |
Le contingent prêt à embarquer. The contingent ready to ship. |
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Arrivée de l'expédition dans les brumes anglaises... Arrival of the shipment in English mists ... |
En 1342, de retour en France, Philippe de Valois le nomme "Capitaine du Roy". In 1342, back in France, Philippe de Valois appoints him "Captain of the King." |
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1347 : il fait partie des défenseurs de Calais... Mais Calais tombe... 1347: he is a member of the defenders of Calais... But Calais falls ... | Arnoul d'Audrehem est fait prisonnier lors de la reddition de la ville! ...and Arnoul d'Audrehem is taken prisoner at the surrender of the city! |
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Arnoul d'Audrehem et ses compagnons, à pied...ils reprennent les armes après leur libération... Arnoul d'Audrehem and his men, on foot...they take up arms again after their release... |
...où il est à nouveau fait prisonnier! ...where he is taken, once again, prisonner! |
Libéré, Jean le Bon le fait Maréchal de France la même année...
Freed, Jean le Bon rises him to the rank of Maréchal de France in the same year ...
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Parchemin du XIVème siècle... Parchment of the fourteenth century. |
...le voici prisonnier à Poitiers! he is prisonner at Poitiers! |
L'histoire se poursuit en 1361, année au cours de laquelle
on lui confie le y combat les grandes compagnies,
puis il part pour l'Espagne avec Bertrand Du Guesclin...
The story continues in 1361, the year in which he was given the Languedoc...
there fighting "les grandes compagnies", then he traveled to Spain
with Bertrand Du Guesclin ...
1370...toujours avec Du Guesclin, ce sont les combats de Pontvallain,
Vaas, Ruillé sur Loir ou encore Bressuire contre Robert Knolles...
1370...with Du Guesclin, battles os Pontvallain,
Vaas, Ruillé sur Loir or Bressuire vs Robert Knolles...
Pour finir...
- Les nouvelles figurines que j'ai peintes (chariot, prisonniers et combattants) sont en majorité des Museum Miniatures.
- J'ai inventé la légende de la fin...squelettes peints par Christophe.
- Sur la 4ème photo, 'les chevaliers alliés', j'ai pris les bonnes armoiries d'un fidèle d'Arnoul, mais je n'ai pas réussi à retrouver son nom, si quelqu'un l'a je suis preneur...
Finally ...
- The new figures that I painted (chariot, prisoners and combatants) are mostly Museum Miniatures .
- I invented the legend of the end ... skeletons painted by Christophe.
- On the 4th photo, 'knights allies', I made the right arms of a faithful of Arnoul,
but I have not been able to find his name, if somebody knows I'm interested. ..
Merci à tous!
Many thanks!
Many thanks!
Cher Phil, comme toujours, une excellente présentation et une grande histoire. Cordialement Carlos
RépondreSupprimerMerci beaucoup Carlos, c'est très gentil!
Phil, all of your work is incredible, but I was mesmerized by this one in particular for some reason. What a remarkable use of prisoner figures - three times capture and ransomed! Surviving to serve with none other than Du Guesclin himself! His afterlife ethereal return is such fitting end of the story too! Amazing work and storyline, I loved it. Best, Dean
RépondreSupprimerSo kind of you Dean...much, much appreciated. Well, four times captured, not three, more incredible...He must have had a lot of money!
SupprimerMany thanks to you Dean...
Warmed regards,
Four! I must've gotten lost with all of the captures - you right about him being quite the money bag for the English too!
SupprimerWell, the period was suitable for these "exchanges" I think...strange for us, but not for them!
SupprimerEh ben, ca c'est du gars qui en veut. REmarque, avec un tel caractere, normal qu'il soit recompense de la sorte.
RépondreSupprimerMerci pour l'histoire et les saynettes.
Et merci à toi d'être passé par ici!
SupprimerA+ Seb...
Four times captured! Like you say he must have been rich and/or had many influentual friends no doubt. What an exciting life he had.. would make a great movie (TV series would be better).
RépondreSupprimerThanks for sharing Phil and enlightening us with this tale.
(The female captive... well, I wouldn't mind if we shared a cell at all).
She's got some real advantages...from thence to go with her in a cell...not sure for me!
SupprimerGlad you enjoyed, and many thanks for commenting...
Great minis and paintwork. Thank you for the story. It was very interesning.
RépondreSupprimerAll the best,
Thanks to you Bart, very kind of you...
Great way to give us a history lesson! Thanks for sharing!
My pleasure Peter!
un gars qui se rendait facilement ;) pas sur que ce soit rentable d'avoir Arnoul d'Audrehem en général d'armé
RépondreSupprimerbelles figurines et une fort belle mise en scène
T'as pas tort maintenant que j'y pense...j'le mettrai à l'arrière-garde...bon, faut que je trouve un vrai leader maintenant!
SupprimerMerci beaucoup, à bientôt...
Great job, Phil. I heard the fellow in the 5th picture, who is walking behind the beverage cart carrying a flagon, burp! He is to be commended for his determination to carry out his charge from the General himself: "Let no drop of this precious liquid of life fall onto the earth, Monsieur Pas de Douleur!"
RépondreSupprimerMany thanks for your so funny words Jay, it's always a pleasure...
Really a warrior!...And nice final story....Uuuuhhhhhhhh...Ghosts agree :-)
Thanks for visiting, and for your kind words Marzio!
SupprimerAll the best,
Great figures Phil, love the graphics and the Pirates of the Cemetery pics!!
RépondreSupprimerGlad you enjoyed Ray, many thanks for your comment!
Wonderful storytelling, Phil! I'd not heard of Arnoul with the bad luck to be captured so many times. Opening with a monk and closing with the spirits? Perfect!
RépondreSupprimerGreat minis with great painting!
You know what : it was not intended! Monks and spirits, that was a good idea finally...
SupprimerMany thanks to you,
Thanks for sharing some more French history with us, Phil, these vignettes are always entertaining.
RépondreSupprimerWhat a chequered career Arnoul had! How did he end up being captured so many times? He was probably just after a change of scenery; "Spain looks nice - maybe I can get captured there...?"
Imagine his disappointment when he realised he hadn't been captured by the forces of Castile, but by their English allies; "Mais non! La cuisine anglaise..?"
Lol! Thanks for this comment full of humor, I appreciate...I could also present his life in this light, it's true! Next post may be...
RépondreSupprimerVery interesting! Great photos and figures Phil!
Glad you like them Rodger, thanks a lot!
Wow Phil! I thought I was already following your blog, but I was wrong. Your collection looks fantastic, excellent work.
RépondreSupprimerThanks to you, greatly appreciated!
SupprimerAnd I can return you the compliment ...
Epic post mate. Lovely work.
RépondreSupprimerGlad you like it Paul, thanks for your visit!
Phil, you are a storyteller par excellence! Great story line accompanied by fantastic photos. I always look forward to your adventures.
RépondreSupprimerSo kind words...I appreciate, Jonathan...a lot!
Hello Phil,
RépondreSupprimereverything in this Arnoul d'Audrehem post looks so cool! The figures, the terrain and other add on photos just looks so great!
all the best,
I am really happy you enjoy this post Phil, thank you so much for your comment!
SupprimerAll the best,
Good morning.
RépondreSupprimerGreat story and great figures/character
I like this.
The photos are large so the page not open (always) up properly well
Sorry for the pictures...I hope it's not too long! And many thanks for the kind words...
Very cool. Is this 15mm scale?
RépondreSupprimerHi Scott,
SupprimerYes, 15mm, most of the figures are Museum miniatures and Essex...thanks for your kind words!
Lovely Medieval figures, Phil!
RépondreSupprimerActually, this is my favourite period at the moment, very interesting to paint and new for me...
SupprimerThanks a lot!
such a captivating story, Phil! Love all the settings and the horses carrying rations and the bridge and the trees.... although I was a bit shocked by the lady prisoner with the naked boobies :)
RépondreSupprimerHi Dezmond,
SupprimerGlad you enjoy, and sorry for the lady prisonner...but war is war, not often cheerful, and often cruel! The trees and hedges are reworked by Christopher...
All the best,
Superbe, bravo !
RépondreSupprimerMerci beaucoup viens de voir que tu étais dans la même période en ce moment...peut-être qu'un jour...
A excellent retellling of some battles, with some history thrown in, Brilliant!
RépondreSupprimerHappy you like it Shaun, many thanks for your encouragements...
SupprimerAll the best,
Merci pour ce beau billet historique ! Le sire Arnoul n'a pas eu trop de chance en raison de ses nombreuses captivité quoique ça lui a évité de mourir prématurément...
RépondreSupprimerC'est vrai que vu comme ça...merci beaucoup Philippe, à très bientôt!
Very nice Phil – such a fascinating story! Those ghosts at the end are great.
RépondreSupprimerGlad you enjoyed Jonas, thanks for your kind words...
Great work on these, especially love the extra pieces such as the prisoners etc.
RépondreSupprimerHappy you like them! Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate!
Great post Phil, I just love the animations and the medieval scripts, really well put together.
Thanks you John, so glad you like them...
que l'amour et la passion dans tous les travaux que vous effectués. superbe!!
RépondreSupprimer- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
That love and passion in all work performed. magnificent!!
NoPasaran miniatures Staff
Many thanks for this beautiful comment, I appreciate...greatly!
SupprimerAll the best,
Wonderful post! ^_^ I love how you use nicely painted miniatures to do a mini-recreation of a historical event.
RépondreSupprimerI am very sensitive to this kind of a big thank you!
Entertaining blog. Nice work.
RépondreSupprimerThank you, much appreciated!
Supprimerfantastic Phil I really like the prisoner figures!
RépondreSupprimerThey are from Musum miniatures...many thanks for visiting Willie, happy you enjoyed!
A fantastic collection and well presented as always.
RépondreSupprimerThanks a lot for your compliments, much appreciated!
Excellent work Phil
RépondreSupprimerGlad you enjoyed Captain, thanks for your visit!