Le club de jeux d'histoire de Bourg en Bresse

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mercredi 31 mai 2017

1806 - Direction Iéna..

Éblouis par le soleil du soir, les généraux Prussiens sont fatigués...La bataille vient de s'achever, mais bien malin qui pourrait dire s'il s'agit de généraux vainqueurs ou vaincus...
Dazzled by the evening sun, the Prussian generals are tired ... The battle has just ended, but very skilled who could say whether they are winning or vanquished generals ...

1806, un matin frais d'Automne, quelques heures plus tôt,
quelques jours avant Iéna...

1806, a cool autumn morning, a few hours earlier,
a few days before Iéna ...

A la croisée des chemins, déjà gênés par le soleil de ce matin d'Octobre 1806, 
les généraux se toisent. C'est donc ici qu'aujourd'hui  nous nous affronterons.
At the crossroads, already embarrassed by the sun of this morning of October 1806, 
the generals observe each other. So we'll fight here today.

Pour faire face à l'envahisseur français, nos lignes sont encore clairsemées mais prêtes.
To face the French invader, our lines are still sparse but ready.

Les Saxons ont choisi l'orée du bois pour former leurs lignes.
Saxons chose the edge of the wood to form their lines.

Épaulés par les fusiliers prussiens.
Supported by Prussian fusiliers.

Mais à peine nos soldats en place, les Français s'emparent des ponts...et s'avancent.
But as soon as our soldiers were in place, the French seized the bridges ... and advance.

Ou encore traversent la rivière après avoir découvert un passage peu profond.
Or cross the river after discovering a shallow passage.

Pris de court, nous envoyons un contre sanglant avec notre réserve de cavalerie.
Caught short, we send a bloody counter with our reserve of cavalry.

Ce sont alors les régiments d'élite de la Grande Armée, drapés de leur manteau et de leurs ambitions, qui franchissent les ponts.
Then the elite regiments of the Grande Armée, draped in their mantles and ambitions, crossed the bridges.

La marée humaine française, accompagnée par un pilonnage intensif signé Gribeauval.
The French human tide progress, accompanied by intensive shelling signed Gribeauval.

La pluie de boulets a été dévastatrice...mais nous tenons toujours notre position centrale!
The rain of French bullets was devastating ... but we still hold our central position!

Après de brefs combats sur notre droite les Français tiennent leur premier point de victoire.
After brief battles on our right the French take and invest their first point of victory.

T4 : notre aile gauche dégarnie, ce sont bientôt 2 points de victoire sur 5 (les villages) que l'ennemi va posséder, il faut enrayer la progression française...
T4: our left wing stripped, it is soon 2 points of victory out of 5 (the villages) that the enemy will own, we must stop the French progression ...

Les généraux à l'oeuvre, de gauche à droite Ronie, Dimitri, Serge, Benoit Alex et Christophe.
Generals : from left to right Ronie, Dimitri, Serge, Benoit Alex et Christophe.

Nos lignes face à la "Furia Francese" auront bien besoin d'un soutien de nos grenadiers!
Our lines, facing the "Furia Francese", will need some help from our grenadiers...

Il reste 3 tours à jouer, et le général français doit lancer l'ultime offensive s'il veut vaincre...
Only 3 turns to play, and the French general must launch the ultimate offensive if he wants to win...

Tour 12 : le village central, synonyme de victoire, sera le théâtre des derniers combats.
Turn 12: the central village, synonymous with victory, will be the scene of the last fights.

Le dernier assaut est lancé, si nous tenons nous gagnons la bataille!
The last assault is launched, if we hold we win the battle!

C'est dans un tonnerre de canons, fusils, cris que s'achève la bataille, les Français échouent à quelques centimètres du dernier objectif...Victoire prussienne!
It is in a thunder of cannon, guns, and cries that the battle ends, the French fail a few centimeters from the last objective ... Prussian Victory!

Et donc, le soir venu...

And so, in the evening ...

Voilà, vous savez maintenant que ces généraux qui posaient étaient victorieux...
Now, you know that these generals who posed were victorious.

Et de cette bataille il subsiste un témoignage , visible dans la galerie des batailles à Versailles.

And from this battle there remains a testimony, visible in the gallery of battles at Versailles.

 Les personnes attentives peuvent découvrir un petit tableau, passant trop souvent inaperçu, au milieu d'autres plus célèbres et plus imposants illustrant les victoires du Petit Caporal...
Attentive people can discover a small painting, too often unnoticed, among other more famous and more imposing ones illustrating the victories of the "Petit Caporal"...

Et en y regardant de plus près, ou avec un peu d'imagination,  vous découvrirez peut-être ce petit tableau, témoin d'une bataille acharnée...Mais c'est une autre histoire!
And on closer inspection, or with a little imagination, you may discover this little painting, 
witness of a fierce battle ... But that's another story!



And welcome to Grzegorz Zydor, 
 the 400th member...and to Andreytis!

92 commentaires:

  1. Beautiful report again, thanks Phil!

  2. Loved this one Phil. Nice to see the Prussians hold on, but Iena is just around the corner...

  3. Inspiring battle report, just reminds one of the Battle of Saalfeld a few days before Jena ;-)

    Well done, especially the little painting and the story behind :-)

    1. Nice battles to play and replay, even if difficult for this Prussian army...Splendid lines, but fragile lines...Thanks a lot!

  4. Epic stuff Phil, great report Sir.

  5. Another visually stunning report Phil = the painting on these figures and the clarity of the images is excellent = particularly as they appear to be 15mm - formidable!

  6. Wonderful stuff, as always, Phil...and nice touch at the end! :D

    1. ...and a so lovely 'galerie des batailles' to visit...

  7. Lovely looking figures and game, very nice graphics too!
    Best Iain

  8. Great report and some superb troops on display

  9. Отличная работа Фил. Браво!

  10. This is one of your best Battle Reports, truly something epic!

  11. Superb as always. Love the damaged building and the command vignettes

    1. Love this building as well, one of our oldest...and its stigma of war are so realistic!

  12. Nicely done, Phil. I love the animated maps!


  13. What can I say my friend? Perfect report. One of the best!

    1. As usual, a big thank you for your kind comments Michal...

  14. Great report Phil! Love the photos.

  15. A really interesting report :) I love reading them!

  16. they should've released some crocodiles into that river and voilà - some French soup ready for lunch :)

    1. Why not have suggested it sooner my friend , it would have saved many of our Prussians' deaths!

  17. Most excellent retelling of the battle, Phil! Next trip to Versailles, I will be on the lookout for that often overlooked work of art! Enjoyed seeing your 1806 Prussians on the battlefield. A collection not too often seen on the gaming table.

    1. I hope you will have a little thought for me on your next visit at Versailles...thanks!

  18. A spectacular battle to view, a good read and some good humour. Perfect!.

  19. Beau tableau de l'année 1806 version Riflemen!
    J'aime beaucoup la chaumière dévastée. C'est fait maison?
    Félicitations pour ce cr.

    1. Fait maison, oui je crois...il y a tellement d'année! Une de mes préférées (ça se voit!) mais cela ne nous rajeunit guère!

  20. Great stuff! Keep up the great work!



  21. Cher Phil: Que pouvais-je dire à propos de la table, des miniatures et des photos que je ne l'avez pas déjà dit? Ils sont magnifiques! Mais cette fois, je tiens à souligner la grande place que vous avez pour les jeux. Il est vraiment super, les fenêtres ouvrent sur un beau jardin et intérieur bien décoré, crée une atmosphère parfait pour les jeux de guerre. Comme toujours recevoir mes salutations les plus chaleureuses de l'extrême sud, Carlos.

    1. Un lieu de légendes pour nous après tant d'aventures! Merci beaucoup Carlos, de tels commentaires sont toujours un grand plaisir à lire...

  22. Great report again Phil. Just as I locate a few battalions of 1806 era Prussians to paint for my Oct 1st HMGS-PSW convention Battle of Saalfeld 1806 scenario... you write up this gem.

    Lapin de guerre

    1. 1806 Prussian army in inho one of the most beautiful Nap ones...Many thanks Lapin de Guerre!

  23. Great report Phil with great painted mini's !

  24. Phil is an excellent report and early cockroaches I really like. That's 15 mm.?

  25. Great report once again. The little painting is a nice touch:). The Prussians did well to hold the line looked very scattered early on!

    1. Not so easy for them...and Jena is not so far! Many thanks...

  26. Oh if only I had the time (and money) to do 1805-06 armies. Very nice Phil.

    1. Time and money...we've got the same troubles Dave!

  27. Superbe compte-rendu avec du suspense et de la tension. Génial!

  28. Wonderful report Phil. Very clever with the art :)

  29. Wonderful AAR to start my day - thank you for the time and effort you put into sharing.

  30. Великолепная работа, Фил!

  31. Simply sublime Phil. The painting/modelling standard is... quite frankly, getting ridiculously good: every post seems to showcase even MORE raw talent. I`m envious (in a good way) and delighted for you at the same time. This game looks like it was delightful to play, and that final couple of photo of the Generals being painted - are just masterly.

    As an aside, I`m rather excited because I`ve wanted to get back into Napoleonics for years (I started wargaming Napoleoniics as a kid back in the late 60`s and early 70`s, due to an author friend of mine G.W. Geffrey, who wrote the classic book "The Napoleonic Wargame"). But the sheer size and scope always stopped me. Now this new 8mm Travel Battle has come out... I have asked for it as a Christmas present from my wife (Hils), but she wont let me have it (or even SEE it) until Christmas Day haha. But woohoo!! I will finally be able to join you in Napoleonic's one day soon. Maybe not as spectacular as you do it hehe, but least I WILL be able to play too :))

    1. Hey Steve, many thanks...What can I say? I'm really interested in the 8mm travel battle as well (but no more time to play unfortunatly!)...but I'm sure that your so kind wife (Hills, if you read these lines one day...) will put it under the Christmas tree one day! Anyway, many thanks Steve for your sweet comment...

  32. Superbe comme toujours - very entertaining!

  33. Great looking figures again Phil, and one of my favourite periods of the Napoleonic era.

  34. Next great report and super pictures

  35. Super jeu et rapportage, merci a tous!

  36. Wonderful stuff! And a joy to see some of the mid-era stuff! When will it be Austerlitz!

  37. "Dazzled by the evening sun ... " ... global warming strike one!
    "...embarrassed by the sun..." ... global warming strike two!
    In all seriousness, that last bit about the unknown painting was hilarious. XD Nice one Phil! :)

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet and funny comment my friend!

  38. Excellent!
    Et pendant ce temps à Auerstaedt...

  39. It's very good to see some proper Napoleonics. Not that fake napoleonic stuff with all those Shakoes.

  40. Great report and miniatures

    thanks for sharing...


  41. Un peu tardif comme commentaire mais j'aime revenir lui rendre visite à ce post, comme pour un musée. Tout est bon, la partie, la chaumière et surtout le tableau digne de Meissonier et honorable voisin du Friedland de Vernet à versailles ;-D

    Encore merci pour ces CR toujours aussi riches originaux, vivants et nombreux !

    1. Jamais tardif, c'est toujours un grand plaisir que de lire de tels commentaires, merci beaucoup pour les compliments, j'avoue avoir pris beaucoup de plaisir à "faire" ce tableau...et je te retourne les compliments pour cette magnifique bataille de Hünersdorff!

  42. Am I too late for the party? Lovely game Phil!

    1. On the contrary, it's always a pleasure to see comments on old posts my friend, thanks!
