Le club de jeux d'histoire de Bourg en Bresse

History and figures.......История и статуэтки......Geschichte und Figuren....Storia e figurine.....Historia i figurki......Historia y figuras....历史和雕像....Geschiedenis en cijfers....التاريخ والتماثيل الصغيرة....Sejarah dan tokoh

mercredi 10 juin 2015

1866...Bismarck in Bavaria...Bismarck en Bavière

The Austrian light troops spotted the enemy ... The trumpet sounds the alarm.
Les troupes légères autrichiennes ont repéré l'ennemi...Le trompette sonne l'alerte.

De leur côté les Jägers prussiens préfèrent jouer du cor...
For their part the Prussian Jaegers prefer to play the horn ...

Bonjour à tous,
Premières notes de musique pour notre nouvelle période,
une partie de rencontre en Bavière, en 1866.
Les Autrichiens de Christophe font face à mes Prussiens.
Deux objectifs : faire fuir l'ennemi...et tester la règle pour cette nouvelle période.

Hello everyone,
First musical notes to our new period,
a small engagement in Bavaria in 1866.
Christophe's Austrians face my Prussians.
Two objectives: to scare the enemy ... and to test the rules for this new period.

La Bavière en 1866...Bavaria in 1866...

Premier bémol dans ma partition : les troupes légères de l'aile gauche autrichienne
se sont emparées du village, des vergers et champs environnant...

First false note in my partition : the light troops of the Austrian left wing took
control of the village, orchards and surrounding fields ...

Quelques minutes plus tard, je comprends vite le problème pour mon approche : l'artillerie autrichienne maintenant en place est plus nombreuse que la mienne, et l'armement est de meilleure qualité...ma progression sera difficile!
A few minutes later, I quickly understand the problem to my approach: the Austrian artillery now in place is more numerous than mine, and armaments is better ... my progress will be difficult!

La formation en ligne de mes unités me permet d'éviter le pire, mais les canons autrichiens stoppent néanmoins mon avance...
The line formation of my units allows me to avoid the worst, but the Austrian cannons nevertheless stop my progression...
Voyant les dégâts causés par leurs boulets, l'état major autrichien décide de lancer ses 
superbes cavaliers à l'assaut...une victoire avec panache serait du meilleur effet à Vienne!
Seeing the damage caused by their canonballs, the Austrian Staff decides to launch its superb horsemen to attack ... a victory with panache would be of the best effect in Vienna!
Plein centre! Les ordres de charge sont donnés, plein centre...
Full center! Charging orders are given, full center ...

Mais l'infanterie prussienne, grâce à ses fusils Dreyse, a un tir efficace et rapide, et 
même si le doute s'empare de mes lignes, elles résistent pour la plupart...
But the Prussian infantry, with its Dreyse guns, has an effective and rapid fire,
and even if doubt seized my lines, most of them will resist ...

La cavalerie autrichienne est partie en déroute...mais il est dit que nous n'aurons pas
 de répit : "Reformez les lignes!". Les bataillons autrichiens se ruent sur nous...
The Austrian cavalry is routed  ... but it is said that we will have no respite! "Reshape lines." The Austrian battalions are flocking to us ... after the cavalry, we will suffer the "Stosstaktik" the bayonet fighting, Austrian way ...

Tour 8 : mon infanterie subit alors la "Stosstaktik", le combat à la baïonnette...et est mise en retraite. Mais déjà mes chevaux piaffent, la contre attaque est imminente.
Turn 8: my infantry then undergoes the "Stosstaktik" the bayonet fighting ... and is being retreated. But already my horses prancing, the counter attack is imminent.

Des deux côtés l'infanterie est aux abois...rien de tel qu'une bonne charge pour en finir...
On both sides our infantry is at bay ... nothing like a good charge to finish a game...

C'est à moi de charger cette fois...sur une infanterie autrichienne à genou!
That's my turn, let's charge! On an 
Austrian infantry on knees!

Je préfère taire ce qui s'est passé pour ces valeureux lanciers...mais pour les 
autres ce fut une réussite! Victoire mineure prussienne.
I prefer to conceal what happened to these brave lancers ... but for
others it was a success! Prussian minor victory.

Mineure la victoire, "par la force et le sang"...Il m'aurait fallu attaquer le reste 
des Autrichiens, bien protégés, pour une victoire plus significative...mais j'en reste là.
Minor victory, "by blood and strengh"...I would have had to attack the rest of the Austrians, 
well protected for a more significant victory ... end of battle!

Fin de la partition... End of partition ...

Merci à tous, Thanks everyone, Danke schönn!


And welcome to Sascha and Evgeniy Brikelev!

78 commentaires:

  1. Very nicely narrated and depicted AAR - as you know Phil, this is my favorite period, and I'm interested in how the rules interpreted and represent the quick fire from the Dreyse compared to Austrian musketry? Double shooting dice or more fire activations?

    1. Hi! Thanks for your kind words...In our rules, the range of Austrian muskets is 20cm, Dreyse 15cm. And Dreyse gets a +1 bonus vs muskets. Each side throws a 4-faces dice (in fact a 6-faces but written 1-2-2-3-3-4 to minimise dice chances...) and the line formation gives another +1 factor...

    2. Merci Phil, so this rule will add two bonus dice for better weaponry and massed fire. A good way to depict the advantage the Prussians enjoyed. A Chassepot would then be at 25-30 cm reach I assume, and with the same rate of fire bonus as the Dreyse.

    3. That's correct, it seems to be realistic with this method...the over problem is the artillery, better for the Austrian army in 1866...

  2. Wonderful looking game and great report as always, Phil. I really like the Jaegers!

    1. My favorites too...Dimitri's paint job...thanks a lot Dean!

  3. Un jeu très intéressant et très bien décrit. Je aimé les Jägers et les Lanciers prussiens. Je imagine que les braves lanciers écrasé dans le cadre autrichienne. Félicitations et salutations cordiales, Carlos

    1. Merci beaucoup Carlos, tu as bien deviné! Salutations de France...

  4. Great Report, photos and miniatures - awesome!

  5. Another entertaining and excellent report Phil. Having just finished watching the Danish drama 1864, this report was well timed.

    1. Happy to read this...actually not a period I'm familiar with, I had to read a liitle bit to write this post!
      Many thanks Mark...

  6. Another superb battle report! Always so well put together and presented! Brilliant!

  7. Again, you've done a masterful job with this post. I'm wondering if you had Wagner playing in the background whilst you gamed. And the appearance of the Red Cross during this period is quite interesting. I'm wondering if you will have figures representing them on the battlefield in future games.

    1. Thanks Anne...Well first, I had Brahms and Beetoven playing in the background when preparing and writting this post...and second, it's a real pity to my mind but no Red Cross figure yet...may be one day!

  8. très sympa ce Cr une période que je connais vraiment pas , les figurines sont toujours agréable à regarder

    1. Et bien moi non plus je ne la connaissais pas...il m'a fallu bûcher un peu pour préparer le post du coup! Merci beaucoup...

  9. Great to see more of your fine collection of mid-19th Century figures! In addition to your usual Essex, I spy many Old Glory figures. No? All look terrific and another outstanding battle report.

    Hopefully, we will be treated to more from this time period.

    1. You're right for the brands Jonathan...and thank you so much for your comnent!

  10. Great battle Phil. It is always nice to see Austrians vs Prussians. What rules are you testing for that period?

    1. Thanks Bart...we test our club rules, for this period...

  11. Ka- Pow! That was a very good battle report. Splendid model figures and photo`s too. Beano Boy

  12. Listening to Wagner and bashing Bavarians and Austrians - Hmmm, that period is warming up to me. What an inspiring and wonderful report! - What rules were you using?

    1. Thanks Michael, the rules are our own system, link on the blog, similar to 1870 period...but the 1866 leaf is not yet on the link...

  13. Superb report Phil, love the pic of the Austrians in a square.

  14. Excellent battle report, and two great looking armies

  15. Gorgeous troops, and very distracting!

    1. Thank you so much, painters are for this post Christopher and Dimitri...

  16. Great job on the troops and report!

    1. That's very kind of you...and that's much appreciated!

  17. lovely movement in those charging horses!

  18. Chaque fois que j´ai le plaisir de te visiter je me demande comment est il possible de peindre ces si petits personnages avec tellement de qualité! Incroyable! La tentation d'essayer le 15mm est grande :D

    1. Très gentil de ta part mon ami, merci beaucoup!

  19. Superb looking game Phil! I really enjoyed reading it as always with your reports.
    Best wishes,

  20. Excellent report and photos Phil!

  21. Excellent report Phil! Nice first battle for a new period!

  22. Excellent report Phil! Those are wonderful looking troops!

    1. Dimitri and Christopher are talentuous painters...Thanks a lot Rodger!

  23. Excellent as always Phil. You can spin a great yarn mate.

  24. Excellent! ! Once again You show how the battle raport look!!

  25. Excellent looking battle and a great job recounting the events as usual.

  26. Réponses
    1. Thanks for visiting and commenting Jay, I wish you all the best...

  27. Encore une fois un réel plaisir à la lecture

  28. Another fantactic report Phil!... congratulations!

  29. Fantastic scene with figurines and History. I must admit that I am learning moments of History because of your blog


  30. As always a lovely report, but I really like those Prussian Jaegers - splendid!

    1. My favorites too! Dimitri's painting...Thanks Michael!

  31. "Faut reconnaître... C'est du brutal", du direct, attaque au centre, mêlées, charges, quelle partie!
    Merci pour ce superbe CR.
    Tu as vu "1864" sur Arte? Le 4ème épisode de cette semaine traite de la guerre germano-danoise de 1864 qui sera le germe de la Guerre des Sept Semaines de 1866.
    Tu peux voir les trois premiers épisodes en replay sur Arte.

    1. Merci à toi...
      Alors dans l'ordre : brutal, oui, j'ai failli finir "éparpillé façon puzzle", mais finalement...
      1864, oui pour le dernier épisode passé la semaine dernière, tombé dessus pas hasard...
      Et du coup le replay pour les autres épisodes s'avère intéressant!
      Merci encore, à bientôt!

    2. C'est toujours un plaisir.
      Finalement le wargame, c'est comme "La psychologie, y'en a qu'une: défourailler le premier! "

    3. Je vois que monsieur a des lettres...serviteur!

  32. Great stuff again Phil,I love the troops

  33. A wonderful period and your collection and report has done it justice.

  34. Réponses
    1. That's very kind of you, thanks for visiting...

  35. Nice Phil!... love your reports! :)
