Le club de jeux d'histoire de Bourg en Bresse

History and figures.......История и статуэтки......Geschichte und Figuren....Storia e figurine.....Historia i figurki......Historia y figuras....历史和雕像....Geschiedenis en cijfers....التاريخ والتماثيل الصغيرة....Sejarah dan tokoh

jeudi 28 mai 2015


Morning sun. They leave the beach and their drakkars behind them ... and advance.
Soleil du matin. Ils laissent la plage et leurs drakkars derrière eux...et avancent.

Avec leurs amis, haches brandies, menaçants...
With their friends, brandished axes, threatening...

A quelques lieues de là, plus à l'intérieur des terres, les paysans s'occupent des champs et du bétail...pas pour longtemps!
A few miles away, further inland, 
peasants work on fields and livestock ... not for long! 

Incursion Viking dans les terres carolingiennes pour notre dernière partie...
Cédric, Christophe et moi-même jouons carolingiens...
De l'autre côté Serge et Alex sont Vikings...et Benoit un traître carolingien...
Mais j'en ai trop dit, je laisse la parole à frère Amric, un rescapé...

Viking incursion in the Carolingian  lands for our last game ...
Cedric, Christophe and I play Carolingian.
On the other side are Serge and Alex playing Vikings ... and Benoit a Carolingian traitor ...
But I've said too much, Brother Amric, a survivor, will explain you...

Parchemin écrit par frère Amric.
Parchment written by Brother Amric.

Fort heureusement, une petite garnison stationnait non loin de la plage...
Fortunately, a small garrison stationed near the beach ...

Les objectifs de la partie : le corbeau doit piller, brûler, détruire...et repartir avec le butin.
The objectives of the game : the raven must loot, burn, destroy ... and leave with the chests.

Les Carolingiens de Benoit et les Vikings, réunis, avancent, menaçants...
Benoit's Carolingians and Vikings, gathered, advancing menacingly ...

Deuxième tour. Les Vikings de Serge et Alex se heurtent à ma garnison . Je ne peux 
que les retarder, sacrifiant nombre de mes hommes en attente de nos renforts.
Second turn. Serge and Alex' Vikings  are facing my garrison. I can only delay them, sacrificing many of my men and waiting for our reinforcements.

La première ligne Viking.
Viking first line.

Et ma première flèche.
And my first arrow.

La cavalerie de ce renégat de Benoit, allié aux Vikings pour l'occasion...
The cavalry of this renegade Benoit, allied to the Vikings for the occasion ...

Tour 4 : l' armée de secours carolingienne sort des murailles, 
armures luisantes et lances brandies.
Tour 4: the Carolingian relief army out of the walls, shiny armor and brandished spears.

L'armée de secours est maintenant en place...Hardis compagnons, qu'ils regagnent leurs navires ou trépassent!
The relief army is now in place ... Hardis companions, they'll  return to their ships or pass away!

Tour 8 : la ligne de front est maintenant bien établie, mais les pillages et destructions rapportent des points de victoire aux Vikings, la victoire nous échappe...
Turn 8: the front line is now well established, but the looting and destruction 
worth victory points for Vikings : victory escapes us ...

Une bonne volée de flèches devrait détendre ces Vikings!
A good volley of arrows should relax these Vikings!

Le moment crucial de la bataille. Haches, lances, boucliers, deux civilisations
qui échangent quelques amabilités...bref, ce fut un massacre de part et d'autre.
The crucial moment of the battle. Axes, spears, shields, two civilizations who exchange
a few courtesies ... in short, it was a massacre on both sides.

Et les Vikings commencent à reculer au centre, sous les quolibets et invectives de nos armées...assortis de têtes exhibées au bout de quelques piques!
And the Vikings begin to recede in the center, under the gibes and insults of our armies ...
accompanied by exhibited heads on a few spades!

Les chefs Vikings comptent leurs morts...il est temps pour
eux de rembarquer, ils ne pourront pas s'installer ici!
The Vikings leaders count their dead ... it's time for them 
to re-embark, they will not settle here!

Là-bas, les chariots! Courez les récupérer!
There, the carts! Run and recover them!

Au moins récupérerons-nous le trésor de l'église, les Vikings s'enfuient, 
emportant un chariot sur deux...et la victoire!
At least we will recover the treasure of the church, the Vikings fled, 
taking a carriage on two...and the victory!

Soleil du soir...les Vikings repartent, chargés de butins...et de quelques unes de nos femmes...
Evening sun ... the Vikings leave, loaded with loot ... and some of our women ...

Et voilà, victoire à l'arrachée pour les Vikings, 5 points à 4...
On a évité le pire, mais les drakkars seront accueillis en vainqueurs.
Je laisse la parole de fin à Frère Amric...

And that, wire victory for the Vikings, 5 points to 4 ...
We have avoided the worst, but the longships will be greeted as victors.
I leave the floor to Brother Amric ...

Quelques années plus tard....

A few years later ....

Dernier parchemin connu de Frère Amric...Nous n'avons plus de trace de lui après.
Last parchment known from Amric Brother ... We have no trace of him after.

Merci, Thanks, takk, 


Welcome to Wellington Man...

Bienvenue à Sylvain...

96 commentaires:

  1. Awesome figures,photos and writing - lovely!

  2. Excellent looking game Phil, lovely looking figures too!

  3. Fantastic stuff brilliant animated section's to
    Nicely done

  4. Inspiring work again, Phil. Two very respectable forces.

  5. Great vikings, livestock, report, pictures and and and ... !

    1. Oh dear, communication was cut! And? And? Many thanks Bruno...

  6. Gorgeous looking table and a wonderful telling. My two favourite pics are of the livestock and the crucial moment in the battle.

    1. Livestock seems to be appreciated! Thanks for visiting and for your kind words Anne...

  7. Having only recently watched the last episode of the latest season of 'Vikings', I had to smile when I saw the subject of the latest AAR - though I think your version is much closer to the historical reality!

    A mighty struggle, with much loss to both sides, but the Vikings are finally repulsed. However, the question remains, will the villainous Comte Benoit return to make another play for power...?

    1. Lol! In fact he is bannished from our club for about...one week! Many thanks for your kind words, although I have to say to you : "no word about the latest season of Vickings, I record it, no time to wathch it now!"...

  8. Lovely figures and a great report.

  9. Excellent Vikings and Carolingians Phil!

  10. Nice, I love Vikings they founded Dublin in 1088. I was over in my friends workshop the other day he is making 30 crossbows for the Vikings TV show, he made 20 for them last year, they film it down the road in Co Wicklow

    1. I have visited Christ Church and Dublinia last year...lucky man, Vikings' son! Thanks, by Odin!

    2. I have been their, strongbows tomb

  11. We are very lucky you were able to find these manuscripts of Brother Amric. :)

  12. Les barbares Vikings attaquent une force carolingienne! Comme toujours un jeu d'histoire magnifique! salutations cordiales, Carlos

    1. C'est très gentil à toi Carlos, merci beaucoup!

  13. Bel affrontement et splendides figurines, bravo!
    Je vous souhaite tout le succès possible et de belles parties à Charnay les Macon.

    1. On va essayer! C'était déjà très bien l'an dernier, on espère un bon moment...merci!

  14. Great batrep Phil! nice to see some Vikings!

    1. A lot of their ennemies didin't say that! Glad you liked this one!

  15. Awesome AAR Phil - I love the animated Raven, the spy and messenger of Oden!

  16. Fantastic, once again.
    With good quality is its own author
    Text, images, characters, maps,...
    I also like much these old texts, and their old "letter paper"

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet words, much appreciated Maximex!

  17. Great AAR Phil! Till Valhalla!

  18. Outstanding Phil. You deserve a medal mate.

  19. Great battle report and engaging as always. The figures are spectacular!

  20. Wow! Spectacular viking forces. Which army will be the next?

    1. In term of playing, Austrian and Prussian in 1866...for the Vikings they'll land on another shore...don't kwnow where!

  21. Fantastic report and figures Phil!

  22. Passer d'une époque à l'autre, n'est-ce pas perturbant.... ;))

    mais ça reste magnifique

    1. Perturbant quelquefois, exaltant toujours...magnifique je l'espère! Merci beaucoup...

  23. Great write up and good looking game


  24. Nice battle raport Phil and you play out a great game :)

  25. excellent , et une période qui manquait à votre palmarès des super CR ;)

    1. Le problème est toujours le même : reste à trouver du temps pour jouer à tout! Merci à toi...

  26. Amazing game Phil! We want more Vikings!

    1. Just need to paint more Vikings...soon may be! Thanks Bart...

  27. Another very nice piece of work for hungry eyes. You have made me full, Homie.

  28. Another epic game Phil, superb post Sir.

  29. That camp in the early shots is terrific!


  30. great report and seems an enjoyable game

  31. Great looking game and quite close in the end.

    1. We were confident to win two turns before the end! But I've written this scenario and the victory conditions so...Thanks a lot Simon!

  32. Encore une fois un CR très agréable à lire, bravo.

  33. Beautiful figures Phil and as always a fun write up!

  34. awwww look at those little animals and the poor donkey pulling the weight! I always love to see animals among all of your figurines, Philie!

  35. If only those sheep could carry some form of explosives. What a surprise to the enemy that would be.

    1. A brilliant idea! May be in the next battle! Thanks a lot...

  36. Quel bataille bouleversante après avoir reçu la visite de ces terribles Vikings - pauvres Carolingiens. Mais quand-meme bien battu. Très belle histoire, Phil, ravi par tes idées comme toujours..

    1. C'est très gentil de ta part Peter, merci beaucoup...la revanche est pour bientôt!

  37. Wonderful story telling as always Phil, dont you ever change your style of aar I would be devastated. At least the church recovered some of the looted goodies before the Vikings made off in their long boats. Of course the surviving vikings will probably be happy as there are less men to share the spoils and of course less space in Valhalla's great hall with all the new additions.

    You were a bit harsh on the Raven at the end Old mate ;-)

    1. He suffered the fate of some birds with my veranda ...I am very touched by all these compliments, it's not always easy to find new ideas, and it's very nice to see that someone liked them!
      A big thank you Dave!

  38. Spoils of war for the Vikings. Superb collection and report once again.

  39. Lovely report Phil, with lots of eye candy!

    1. Very kind of you Jonas, thanks for your sweet comment...

  40. Merveilleux travail et animations - comme d´habitude :) Toutes les minis sont splendides, et la cavalerie et ses dracos sont fantástiques! Merci Phil & Riflemen :D

  41. A superb collection :)
    Most impressive!

  42. A superb collection :)
    Most impressive!
