Le club de jeux d'histoire de Bourg en Bresse

History and figures.......История и статуэтки......Geschichte und Figuren....Storia e figurine.....Historia i figurki......Historia y figuras....历史和雕像....Geschiedenis en cijfers....التاريخ والتماثيل الصغيرة....Sejarah dan tokoh

lundi 26 janvier 2015

Quatre Bras, 1815.

The waiting...Nassau's troops protect Gemioncourt.
L'attente...les troupes de Nassau protègent Gémioncourt.

Bonjour à tous!
Une bataille qui m'est chère aujourd'hui.
Sans exagérer, j'ai du la rejouer près de 30 fois, plaisir toujours renouvelé...
Au niveau opérationnel, stratégique, tactique...mais j'y reviendrai en fin de post.

Hello everyone!
A battle that is dear to me today.
Without exaggeration, I have replayed it almost 30 times, always renewed pleasure ...
At the operational level, strategic, tactical ... but I will return to this in the end of the post.

Bossu's wood, hold by the belgium dutch militia.
Le bois du bossu tenu par la milice hollando belge.

Ce sont donc des milices qui font face dans un premier temps 
à l'avance précautionneuse du maréchal Ney. Le Brave des braves 
attend en fait le premier corps, et petit à petit les renforts britanniques
 arrivent, renforçant une position au départ bien fragile pour le duc de Wellington...
Wellington, que j'ai la lourde tâche de jouer en ce 16 juin 1815...il y a 200 ans.

So, militias face initially the cautiously advance of Marshal Ney. 
Le Brave des brave wait for the first corps, and gradually the British 
reinforcements arrive, strengthening an initially fragile position for the duke of Wellington.
Wellington, that I have the difficult task of playing in this June 16, 1815...200 years ago.

Présentation des équipes...The teams...

Arrivée progressive des renforts, ici la colonne du duc de Brunswick.
Gradual arrival of reinforcements, here Duke of Brunswick column.

Bien installés sur les hauteurs après 5 tours, les Anglais de la division Picton sont stoïques.
Well settled in the hills after 5 rounds, the British division of Picton is stoic.

Timorée l' attaque française de la division Bachelu autour de Gémioncourt...un leurre?
The timorous French attack of Bachelu division around Gémioncourt ... a decoy?

Situation après 7tours...visiblement les Français envisagent d'attaquer sur les flancs.
Situation after 7 turns ... obviously the French are planning an attack on the flanks

La partie est lancée : Hannovriens et Britanniques défendent la croisée des chemins...
Let the games begin: Hannovriens and British defend the crossroads ...

...et le bois du Bossu est investi par Serge, alias Jérôme Bonaparte.
Serge, aka Jérôme Bonaparte, progressing in the "Bois du Bosu".

Moment choisi par Ronie pour une attaque au centre : au tour 9, notre milice a bien du mal face aux Français, et derrière l'infanterie piaffent les cuirassiers de Kellerman!
Moment choosen by Ronie, attacking in the center : turn 9, our militia is struggling 
against the French, and behind the infantry are prancing Kellerman's cuirassiers!

Cuirassiers qui surprennent quelques bataillons anglais en ligne... le feu anglais 
est dévastateur, mais les corps à corps sont sanglants! Notre centre est déstabilisé...
Cuirassiers that surprise some English battalions on line ... the English fire
is devastating, but the melee are bloody! Our center is destabilized ...

Les pertes françaises sont élevées, mais ils ont progressé! En termes de points 
de victoire, nous en sommes à 7 pour les Français, 6 pour les coalisés...
Les deux camps peuvent encore l'emporter, mais en engageant les réserves.

The French losses are high, but they have progressed! In terms of victory points,
we are at 7 for French, 6 for the coalition ...
Both sides can still win, but by committing reserves.

 Fin de journée : dois-je engager la division Maitland ou organiser un repli ordonné?
End of day : should I commit Maitland division or organize an orderly retreat?

Réunion au sommet...quelle décision prendre?
Summit meeting ... what decision to take?

Bilan de la journée selon Sir Wellington...Review of the day according to Sir Wellington ...

Finalement un résultat assez historique, l'engagement reste limité...
Napoléon a besoin d'une victoire décisive pour asseoir son autorité,
On ne lui donnera qu'un succès marginal.
Demain ou après demain, l'histoire devra s'écrire. Dans le sang.

Finally a rather historic result, commitment is limited ...
Napoleon needs a decisive victory to extend its authority,
We have given him a marginal success.
Tomorrow or after tomorrow, history will be written. In the blood.

Alors voilà, pour les vieux grognards, voici une (ou plutôt 3) 
madeleines de Proust concernant Quatre Bras, 
toutes trois sorties de mon armoire...
Heureux sont ceux qui ont connu au moins l'un de ces trois jeux mythiques...

So here, for old veterans, here is one (or rather 3)
"Proust's madeleines" on Quatre Bras,
all three outputs of my cupboard ...
Blessed are those who have experienced at least one of the three legendary games ...

Napoléon, mon tout premier wargame, Les dernières batailles de Napoléon, 
jouables séparément ou en bloc, et par email le Battleground 1815...
Napoleon, my first wargame, Napoleon's last battles, playable separately 
or together, and by email the Battleground 1815 ... 

Merci à tous, Hope you enjoy...



Welcome to Charles Harris!

Préparation du scénario : Dimitri.

Next time : pachiderms and Italy.

88 commentaires:

  1. Another truly epic encounter, bravo Sir.

  2. Very impressive and grand battle you've managed to stage here! It seems the French made better use of their heavy cavalry here than at Waterloo!


    1. Well, they have suffered heavy casualties...Waterloo is going to be hard for them!

  3. Another marvellous looking game. Fantastic as always.

  4. Il a commencé la campagne de cent jours! Excellentes cartes, très bon rapport de bataille et de la modélisation des événements a été parfait, on ne peut pas demander plus. Salutations de l'extrême sud, Carlos

    1. Très gentil de ta part Carlos, merci beaucoup...Salutations de France!

  5. 30 fois joué, 30 fois du plaisir, 30 fois merci ;)

  6. Another most excellent game with terrifically good looking figures and terrain. I particularly like those Nassau troops in green.

    1. My favourites too...Dimitri's paint job! Thanks for your comment Dean...

  7. Very cool, I had a fascination with Waterloo after I read some books in school, and I must have watched that Rod Stiger movie about 30 times lol

    1. When we like it, 30 times is not too much! Many thanks...

  8. A terrific game - hopefully I will be able to play this game myself.

    1. Glad you enjoy Ken, if you have the opportunity, just take a try, a great battle to play...

  9. Very good. What rules you uses for napolenic age?

    1. Thanks, a fast play system. This kind of battle is played in about 4 hours, link on the blog...

  10. Excellent review and pictures again! About the battles at Ligny, Quatre Bras and Waterloo (In fact it is Braine L'Alleud) much can be said! Ligny was a win for the French, Quatre Bras was a draw, because the French didn't use a big part of their army! And Waterloo is a story on his own! ;-)


    1. Agree Peter, some battles to play and replay...many thanks, much appreciated!

  11. Great figures and great game. Now the time for the big battle. Cannot wait!

    1. Well, in a few months I suppose...so many battles to fight before the major one!

  12. Very nice report! You are apparently getting a head start to the 200 year celebrations then :)

  13. I did enjoy! Great recap as always, Phil!

    1. Glad you enjoy Jonathan, I appreciate your encouragements...and your fabulous last batrep!

  14. Grand scenario and miniatures/terrain again Phil. QB will always be a "go to" scenario for us.

    Glad to see the smaller unit sizes like my games. The larger battalion units (of current vogue) look great but cannot cover the numbers needed for historical actions. Thus they "represent" larger formation like brigades and divisions as "blocks of miniatures" and miss the individual units heroic stand on the tabletop.

    Michael aka WR

    1. Hi Michael!
      Totally agree! More aesthetic than boardgames, but we could not have played this one with large batalions...and this was not the goal...Anyway, when I have taken the photos of my 'oldies but goodies', it was very tempting to play another game with 'Les Dernières batailles de Napoléon'...each game has its advantages!
      Many thanks!

  15. An epic battle report Phil, loved it!!!

    1. That' s very kind of you Ray, always a pleasure to read your comments...

  16. Very nicely reported and photographed, Cap'n Scargo.

  17. Great battle report, really nice work on the photos

  18. Great write up Phil, a very enjoyable read.

  19. Cool game Phil, an early start on the 200 anniversary re fights!

  20. Also lovely troops, Nassau grenadiers with colpack are one of my favourites.

    1. My favourites as well, a pity not to play them very often...

  21. Another impressive battle. Rest up for Waterloo!

    1. Thanks to you, soldiers are resting for a while...

  22. A grand looking post Phil. Nicely done!

  23. Excellent Quatre Bras report and photos Phil!

  24. I enjoyed the battlereport and the terrain and minis looks great as always Phil.

  25. Brilliant! Greta looking figures and AAR.

  26. Fantastic Phil! Great report and splendid looking table. Looking forward to "the next one".

  27. That is a great report and wonderful photos Phil! Thanks.

  28. Réponses
    1. Christopher's job, sure he will be pleased to see your comment, thanks!

  29. Great report and a fine looking battle!

  30. we played this script and now I can see how it really should be played

  31. Encore une fois, un veritable chef d oeuvre!

  32. Great looking minis Phil and I like the over view map of the action ...very handy.

    1. I appreciate your kind words, thank you so much...

  33. Tout est fantastique, comme toujours... la perfection devient une habitude!! Bravo Phil! :D

  34. Great to see an iconic battle played out on the tabletop. I saw a movie on this battle once. Remember feeling sorry for the horsemen who had to charge a square of riflemen firing in all four directions. Hope I am remembering the correct movie for this battle.

    1. Could be a charge in Quatre Bras, thanks for your comment!

  35. Réponses
    1. Et indécise jusqu'au dernier moment...merci beaucoup!

  36. Salut,
    Merci pour ce beau CR. Nous avons joué le scénario l'année dernière, Ney fut moins performant que lors de votre reconstitution. Bravo à vous!

    1. Merci à toi, très sympa de ta part, c'est vrai que l'attitude de Ney peut être déterminante...une 31ème partie?

  37. Fabulous version of Quatre Bras 200! Merci à tous les riflemens!

  38. muchas gracias por tu visita y tu comentario en mi blog, Phil
    fantástico tu blog :)

    1. Y muchas gracias por visitar el mío ... ¡Bienvenido Marga!

  39. Exciting game, I felt bad rooting against the French, but I was quite worried they were going to change history.

    1. Well, I don't think this little victory could have changed something...Europe against the Ogre, no future! Thank you so much!

  40. Very enjoyable report Phil and an excellent collection of Napoleonic forces

  41. Another good report Phil! :)

    David S.
    Minnesota, USA

    1. Thanks a lot, much appreciated!

    2. C'est le genre de compte-rendu qui motive pour peindre, peindre mais aussi jouer ;-)
      Grand merci Phil

    3. Voilà qui me touche, monsieur, voilà qui me touche...un grand merci à toi!
